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"Good morning!" Yelled Emily's mom. Emily's first day of high school is today and she truthfully doesn't know what to expect.

"Come on Em; you don't want to be late on your first day, do you?" Her mom said in a sweeter tone than last time. Emily grunted and rolled onto the other side of the bed. Emily was definitely not a morning person but she knew that she had to get up. So she swung her legs around onto the right side of the bed which wasn't facing the wall. She began to shiver from the cold air that circulated thoughout the house.

"Hey Mom, what should I wear?" Emily asked her mother. Her mom yelled out "Whatever I don't care!" Emily hated when her parents answered her with such disimissiveness. She looked in her closet and said to her self, "How am I feeling right now?" Emily grabbed a white shirt with black seams on the sleeves and collar which had a breast pocket that had the graphic design of a cat popping out of the it. Emily also grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans. She put both of the clothing articles on. Emily sat on her bed and unplugged her phone and noticed it was 8:45 am she had to be at school by 9:00 am so she felt relieved knowing she had time. She got up and went to the bathroom brushed her teeth and then proceeded to apply her natural makeup.

Emily has dirty blonde hair with plain brown doey eyes. She is considerably tall for her age and many people pressume she is older than her actual age.

By the time Emily was done with her morning routine it was already 8:52 "Emily! Her mother screeched, "You're going to be late!" Emily swiftly pulled on her black converse, grabbed her bag and and began to run. Fortunately, Emily didn't live far from school so she wasn't late. She stopped in front of the door of the school while hyperventilating from running the entire way to school. She took a moment to glance at the school and acknowledge that the school had an unusually red roof and glass walls framed with black steel. The school looked quite modern despite the fact it was built over a decade ago.

Emily took a deep breath in and before she could exhale, someone tackled her. It was one of her best friends, Leo. Leo has been her friend since the 1st grade and she was thankful that he was going to this school too. Leo had dirty blonde hair with bright blue eyes. His body looks sculpted - he could possibly be a football player, but, he had no desire to even watch a game.

Then Emily's other friend, Aria came along. Aria has long dark brown - almost black hair in which comes to an ombre that features a turquoise color beginning right above her mid back. She stunning blue eyes with golden highlights in them.

She is very petite but no one wants to mess with her because she can definitely win a fight whether or not it is a physical fight. She's extremely intelligent and her teachers were very conflicted of the fact that she wasn't going to Google High (a pristine school for only students with the most intellectual minds) but she explained with a simple answer "I want to be with my friends and have a regular life for my last few years of school." This made Emily's heart soar because Aria was one of her few friends and she wouldn't want to lose her.

"Hey, what lunch do you have?" exclaimed Emily hoping that both of her best friends would say second period lunch. "2nd!" chirped Aria wishing the same thing as Emily. "3 plus negative one lunch period." said Leo in a slightly let down tone. Emily and Aria looked each other with disappointment in their faces, being fooled by his trick for a moment and slightly confused.

"So, second lunch?" said Aria with a cheeky smirk on her face. "Yep!" Said Leo. Emily flashed a jubilant smile on her face. "Alright!"
-They went to their 1st period classes-
Thank you for reading the this is my first part of the story I've written.

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