Behind The Scenes: Phuket Here We Come!

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[Sorry for not updating in like over a year :(]

Flight: SeoulPhuket.

"All passengers please fasten your seat belts, the plane will be lifting off shortly," the same flight attendant from the waiting room spoke up kindly.

All that could be heard was the clicks of seat belts as they did as they were told, the attendant checked to see if everyone was safely belted in. It wasn't too long after, before everyone in the vicinity heard the rumbling of an engine, roaring to life. Sitting back in their seats they felt themselves begin to defy gravity as the plane took off shaking roughly. Many felt anxious, others sick or tired and the odd few were excited from the adreneline rush or they were simply bored. After a short fifteen minute ride up, they were now at a cruising altitude of 36 000 ft. The seatbelt sign was turned off signalling that movement on the plane was allowed. All three groups had secluded themselves into an area of the plane; Exo had claimed the back of the cabin spreading out freely, while Bts sat in the middle and Got7 at the front. Lets have a look at what they are up to.

"Jackson, what are you doing?" Youngjae asks curiously.

"I'm spying on the others," he states quietly, not sparing a glance at Youngjae.

Youngjae nods his confused little head, knowing well that Jackson couldn't see him do so, "just one question....why are you spying on them exactly?"

"No reason, I just want to observe them."

"What the hell Jackson," Jinyoung interrupts the conversation, "why do you need to observe anybody?"

"Because, I need to know what their habits are like, for example when you get angry or annoyed your voice gets unconsciously louder by an octave. It seems as if you like notifying everyone in the nearby vicinity of what you are discussing constantly," he faces Jinyoung before pointing behind them with his thumb.

Jinyoung was speechless, he lifts his head and looks around to see almost everyone staring at them, "yeah, whatever. At least, I'm not the one who's doing something wrong."

Huffing, he stood from his seat and went straight to the toilet. Youngjae unsure of what to do, slowly pulled Jackson to sit in his seat properly after giving a curt bow. Everyone went back to what they were doing, not giving the mini drama another minute of their time.

The rest of the plane ride for Jackson, Jinyoung and Youngjae was quiet, while the others played snap.



At the back of the airplane, Suho was trying to calm down a hysterical Lay.

"Lay, calm down! We're not going to crash," not wanting to scare the others Suho lowered his voice.

"That's easy for you to say, you practically have lived with planes your whole life, your family owns three. While I hate planes, it's how I lost my grandparents."

"Lay, you know your safe. I had made sure the plane was checked thoroughly, twice, why do you think it took us that long to board?" Suho tried to soothe the other, but the other wasn't having none of it.

"Because...because maybe they were figuring out how to fix the engine before we boarded. Or maybe they were securing the place from high-jackers! What if they were dealing with bombs!?"

Suho shook his head sighing, "Lay, they wouldn't have let us board the plane in any of those situations. Besides no one knows we are leaving except a few crew members. So stop freaking out, okay," Suho grabs his hand gently running his thumb over it.

"Oh," Lay went a little pink, "I-I guess I was overreacting a little.."

Suho chuckled, his voice raspy, "c'mon just get some sleep I'll wake you when we arrive."

Lay could only nod. Suho looks around the cabin area monitoring his 'children'. Chanyeol was poking Kyungsoo in the ribs as he tried to sleep, Kai was listening to music with Sehun as they fell asleep heads rested upon each others, Tao looked scared while Kris tried to calm him down, Baekhyun and Chen were having an intimate conversation that seemed completely private as they spoke in hush tones, and that left both Luhan and Xiumin, who were watching a movie. Suho quietly sighs, closing his eyes he let himself drift off next to Lay. Despite everything that had gone off, this was the most relaxed he'd felt all day.


Meanwhile in the middle of the plane, Bts were having an interesting debate.

"Taehyung! How could you say that? Attack on Titan is the best anime ever!"

Taehyung shook his head, "Jimin, we all know Naruto is the best anime in the world. Stop with all the second best shit, ok."

Jimin felt offended, "yah! Nothing is better than titans eating humans, humans destroying titans and humans turning into titans. Like seriously!"

"Yah, yah, yah! The Love Live series is way better than both those~."

Taehyung and Jimin look at Hoseok in disbelief, "are you crazy?"

Hoseok was taken back by the sudden looks and mumbled, "was it something I said?"

The two didn't even reply and simply shook their head and thinking he was nothing but 'hopeless'. Namjoon just watched in amusement, while Seokjin was praying the two would be quiet enough to let Yoongi and Jungkook sleep peacefully, without any hassle. But even so he had to give them a reality check on the best anime ever.

"You are all wrong, nothing can beat Sailor Moon with her magical tiara~."

What worries them wasn't what he'd said but the way he'd said it so calm, as if he actually meant it. Although, deep down, they all knew he did. They just wished Seokjin just sticked to Mario, that was all they were asking for.

Everyone tried to keep their spirits up and pretend that they were not caught up in a malicious murder, that they were not confused or affected. They just wanted normalcy, well as much as an idol could get at least. So that was how their plane ride went, they didn't know what to expect or what would follow when they arrived at their destination, but they knew it wouldn't be as easy as they had originally thought and that was what scared them the most.


Cheeky Sneaks News has uploaded a video!

"More news on Cheeky Sneaks News, the murder of Mr Jong, the CEO of Telecommunications Seoul. Mr Jong was found dead in his home at 9:45pm on the twelth of April, the police had revealed that he had been murdered between 8pm and 9:30pm. The police believe the murderers jumped the fence after disabling the cameras in the Jong residence, the back doors glass window was found broken and trails of soil from the backyard were littering the crime scene. Belongings of idol groups, Exo, Bts and Got7 were found in the home, the police have been investigating the link between the idols. Not only that but Mr Jong was found with twenty-six stab wounds and other gruesome injuries. The number correlates with the number of members from the three groups added together. An insider has stated that the idol groups have no connection to the murder and are believed to used as a cover up, to lead the investigation away. The police have then confirmed that the three groups have alibi's on the night of the murder. There has been no comment from the idols on the statement, but word has it that they went into hiding after being questioned by police yesterday evening, just until things calm down. So, who killed Mr Jong and why so brutally? And what role does the idols play in the murder, are they truly innocent or is it all an act? We will keep you in the loop as the investigation unfolds. This was Cheeky Sneaks News, good night."

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