Chapter 4 -part 2-

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I looked darkly at my doppelganger as he looked at me with a confused glare. I smirked as I slowly went towards them. 

"What the.." he trailed off, I offered my hand to him as I playfully smiled at them. My doppelganger cautiously moved the blonde robot to his side and took my hand, shaking it.

"The name's Saitama and I'm a villain just for fun." I said, The other Saitama shook my hand in return.

"The name is Saitama, and Im...

A hero for fun"


I walked silently towards the hero me and his boyfriend as I glanced at them with jealousy.

I can see it now.

His yellow suit and red cape that completely contrasts to mine. His gentle gaze and happy smile.

He truly was the hero of the story.

And its all thanks to that blonde robot.

I shifted my gaze towards my self and looked at my black suit and blood red cape.

Unlike him, I was alone.

Unlike him, I was never being praised.

Unlike him, I am a Villain.

I sighed angrily and glared silently at the scenery  around me.

Where was my blonde robot?

Why don't I have one?

Why didnt he stop me from turning myself into the monster that I am?

Is he alright?
Is he safe?

Is he dead?

We arrived at last in our destination, and we slowly climbed up the stairs leading to my counterpart's apartment. Saitama opened the door and looked at me with kind eyes.

"Welcome Home."

-end of Chapter 4 (part 2)-

Nameless Story (Evil Saitama X human Genos)Where stories live. Discover now