Chapter 14 - Just a Text

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We got in the elevator of the FBI building and made our way to the floor of the BAU. Lizzy had seemed aggravated all morning. I wasn't sure if it was the lack of sleep or something totally different. Her head hung low and her eyes a mixture of sadness and anger.

"Morning you two." Morgan greeted us. I smiled at him but Lizzy kept her head down till she got to her desk, and even then she just sat there and typed.

Every so often I would look up from what I was doing and at Lizzy. More than once she was looking at her cell. Most of the time she just sighed and glared at the screen. But one of the times she read what was on her screen and slammed the phone on the desk. Her face turning a fiery red colour. She looked up to see if anyone was watching her. She didn't look at me though. She opened a draw on the side of her desk and chucked her cell in there. She looked back down at some paper work she was typing up and wiped a small tear from the corner of her eye. I had never seen her like this.

We had known her for about 4 months. But she was always serious about the job or fun and happy. Never angry or sad.

I scrunched a sticky note up in to a little ball and chucked it over to her.

"What the hell was that?" she asked looking round to find what just hit her on the head.

She looked directly at me. "Was that you?" she asked quietly.

"Maybe." I teased. I saw a small smile creep on to her face. She shook her head but just smiled.

"Are you alright, Lizzy?" I said to her. The smile faded a little. She nodded quickly and put her head back down.


Lizzy got up and put her coat on. "I'm going to get some lunch. I need to go for a walk too. I'm gonna ask Hotch if I can go out for a bit. I will just stay later tonight to make up for it." She told me and Morgan as she put her arm through the second sleeve.

"Okay. Have fun." Morgan said leaning back in his chair. He waved to her as she left and went down the elevator. When she was gone Morgan walked over to her desk and opened the draw.

"Morgan. What the hell are you doing. That's an invasion of her privacy. Stop that." I ordered him as he took the White Sony cell phone from her draw.

"Don't you want to know why she is so upset?" Morgan asked me raising an eyebrow. He dragged his chair over to my desk and he unlocked her phone.

"This is so wrong. We should not be doing this!" I said to him shaking my head.

"Relax kid. This is how we can help her." He said to me. I was un-convinced.

There was at leased 150 texts from just one person. And that was only in the last week. They read:

*Hello again Johnson. You can't hide anymore. Just a few days to go. M.*

*Morning Lizzy. Tomorrow is the big day! What are you doing for the 4 year anniversary? Obviously nothing in England. M.*

*Well, Well. Seems someone doesn't want to reply to me. Shame. I was really looking forward to... meeting up some time. 14 hours to go little Lizzy. M.*

*You can't escape Elizabeth. What is done is done. There's no way out. But if the deal is in tact then nothing will happen. So don't be stupid little girl. You used to have common sense, lets just hope you still do. M.*

The messages were horrible. Some worse than them. No wonder she was upset. But why were they being sent to her? Who was M? What was the anniversary for? I was so confused.

Morgan kept looking, I went back to my typing. He was still sat next to my desk. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a hand reach down and grab the phone from Morgan's hands.

"Not quite sure that really belongs to you now does it my twelve pack?" Garcia said taking the phone and slotting it in her pocket.

"I respect her privacy and so should you!" She told him. He smiled back at her and Lizzy came back from her lunch brake.

"I thought you would be longer." I said as she sat back down.

"Yer, I was gonna go for a walk but I decided not to." She told me, smiling.

Garcia handed Lizzy her phone. "What? Why did you have this?" she asked very confused.

"It wasn't me Lizzy. I promise. I was confiscating it from that thing over there." She defended, pointing at Morgan.

"So I'm a thing now." Morgan asked Garcia.

Lizzy didn't even give Garcia time to reply as she shot a deadly stair at Morgan. "What the actual hell were you doing with my phone? You don't need to know that stuff on there. Who do you think you are? You may be aloud to do it to dead victims, but surprisingly, I'm not dead yet!" She said angrily. She calmed herself down rather quickly.

"I'm sorry I snapped. I just don't like people knowing about some aspects of my whole life." She told him. She had a point which was fair enough. We all had our secrets. They all came out eventually though. Morgan and his old football coach. Prentiss and that Russian bastard that 'killed' her. Garcia and her hacking life. JJ and her job in the middle east. We all have stuff. We just had to find out what hers was.

She chucked the phone back in the draw and JJ came over to us.

"Hi JJ." Lizzy greeted.

"Hey Lizzy," JJ said back. "We are all needed in the Conference room." She told us.

We made our way there. Morgan and Lizzy were in front of me. "Look kid, I'm so sorry. I just really wanted to know what was wrong. I wanted to see if we could help." Morgan apologised to her.

She looked up at him with big eyes. "It's okay. Next time I would rather you asked, instead of going through my stuff." She told him. "Oh yer and also even if you did understand those texts. You couldn't have helped." She paused. "No one can!" she said with a little bit of sadness clogging up her voice. She held back whatever else she wanted to say, or whatever she wanted to do and walked on ahead to the room and sat down.

I caught up to Morgan. "That girl has secrets. I will find them out though. It's for her own good." He told me.

"Yer sure you will." I said sarcastically. "You know that she won't volenteraly tell you." I finished. I then walked on and in to the room.

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