~The Perfect Life Part 1~

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You and Jughead are Dating and are both STILL 22, you really like Jughead you might even love him! It depends if it works out~


Jughead💘: Hey Y/N

 Y/N: Hey what's up!

 Jughead💘: Just wondering if you would like to go to the Starbucks down the street and then my house...if ya want :D            

Y/N: Sure! see you in 10! XD

 Jughead💘: Cool see you there!              


I smile at my phone and the text messages then jump up from my beanbag and get my green hoodie, put on some pants and start combing my hair...we've been dating for a year and a half already when is he going to ask me "the" question? never mind I guess I'll wait...for now.

~Time skip to entering Starbucks~

I close the door hearing the bell jingling and I walk to the cashier and order "Hmmm...I'll have the Pumpkin Spice Surprise please"

 "Sure thang hun...wait Y/N?"

 "Lauri?" Holy crap it's Lauri! I've missed her so much. 

"Y/N! we haven't talked since high school!"

 "Yeah! want to come and sit with me while I wait for-"


"Yeah how did you know?"

 "You guys are only the talk of the whole fuckin' town" She chuckles 

"o-oh yeah haha" We both go sit down at a small booth after she asks her boss for a break, he gives her a nod 

"so hows your relationship with Juggy?" 

"I ummm well we've been dating for a year and a half now so I'm NOW wondering when-"

 "he's going to ask 'the' question?"

 "yeah, and I'm trying to talk here!" I roll my eyes and giggle

 "haha okay fine"

 "Anyway what's going on with you?"

 "nothin' really....okay I got a boyfriend too, he's names Cody Aron, he's a really sweet guy!"

 "uh hello girls" Jug was standing above us, eyeing Lauri

 "oh hey Jugs! well here Y/N" she gives you her phone number 

"Call me later!"

 "okay!" I call out to her

"What was that about?"

 "Old High school friend...why?"

 "just asking" Jughead shrugs and then gets a little squirmy in his seat like his nervous about something,

 "Hey Y/N"

 "yeah Juggy?" 

"h-how about a date?"

 He blushes, your heart melts and you nearly die of cuteness.

"sure! I'd love too! When?" 


"and where?"

 "The park for a...Picnic" you blush a bright pink and try to hold in you smiling wildly 

"YE- I mean Yes..." you mentally face palm. Jughead smiles at you and takes a sip of his coffee 

"soo what about you and the cowgirl over there" he points to Lauri then you giggle

 "ha ha I told you an old High School friend! It's not like we're LOVE interest" you tease him 

"That's what you think" you see Jughead's face go from playful to nervous and angry

 "I-I mean seriously it's just that you and her are-" you know he's rambling and will never stop 

"hey" you say softly, but he doesn't hear you "HEY" you speak louder, still nothing "HEY!" heads turn to you, you glare them back to their coffee. Since speaking to him was no use you decided to use your secret weapon.

You grab Jughead's collar and have him stare into your eyes, your secret weapon is your eyes it's because Jughead loves your E/C eyes that are quote "simply magnificent". 

You see him rest his arms down and stops talking you giggle, you can tell his heart is melting for your eyes you peck him on his cheek and start drinking your coffee, out of the corner of your eye you see Jughead's face completely red out of embarrassment. 

You try so hold not to laugh you nearly cry, but you accidentally  slip out a snicker

 "What is it??? HMMM???" he gives you his funny face you can't hold back anymore you laugh out loud and you know people aren't looking at you because you would glare at them again.

 them you fell a hand on your stomach and then two, they start tickling you "KYAAAAA!!"

 you scream and start laughing so hard you cry, when the hands move away you punch Jug's arm. He yelps and mutters something about you being too strong it's unfair.

~At Jug's place~

"I love your place, it's so cool in a way.....you get it to your self I guess"

 " yeah I guess it's pretty cool, I mean it's a bit small but it's my size"

 "huh yeah cool" 

"Hey Y/N wanna play a game?"

 "sure! I love games! what do you wanna play?" "Truth or Dare!!!" he exclaimed like a little kid, he's adorable! 

"sure! who goes first?" 

"I'll go if you don't mind m'lady"

 I scoff "no not at all my prince"

 "ha ha okay now lets start! Truth or Dare?"

 "Truth!" I say smugly

 "fine.....what's your biggest fear?"

 "Whaaaa?....WAIT! I thought you knew this!" 

"uhh no actually I don't..you never told me"

 "okay fine....thunder and lighting"

 "Wait wHAt? Your fear is THUNDER AND LIGHTING?"

 "y-yes it is asshole!" I give him a jab on the arm 

"ow! okay okay your turn!"

~Timeskip after Truth or Dare it turns into PERSONAL questions~

"hey Jughead what's YOUR biggest fear??"

 "actually I don't have a fear" 

"I believe you...for now ehehehe" I check my phone

"Oh shit it's 10:06!...hey can I stay over for the night??" 

"sure why not?"

 "Kay cool" 

"wanna watch a movie?" "isn't kinda late?"

 "come on it'll be fun!"

 "okay shut up and yes but first" I was in the mood for teasing  so I grabbed his collar and started a deep kiss, at first he was shocked but melted into the kiss.

To Be Continued...

Ha I'm sorry I just like making long oneshot's! Also guys I'm taking suggestions for this! feel free to tell me your Idea!

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