Chapter 1.

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Quite a few hours later I was sitting in the store beneath the room I lived in. 


One of the few places where the psychics were actually real. But so are other things. Psychic in this case, is a term that is used lightly, because it basically covers almost everything that is 'human with abilities'. Except for witches. They are as equally rare as we are but it is extremely rare for one to be a witch and a psychic.

I sat in the back room with my eyes facing the door. My view was blocked slightly by the beads hanging in the doorway, but, it was good enough that I could read without being paranoid that someone was here and the owner and my landlady - Gloria - could potentially hurt... Even though she was telekinetic. 

Sometimes when we were particularly empty she would speak to me from the store while I remained in the back, surrounded by the bookshelves with many different covers. As it was now, she was not very impressed with me teleporting in, dripping with another person's blood this morning while she had her morning coffee with her hair rollers in. I smirked as I remembered how I made her spill her coffee all down the front of her night gown. 

She knew when I had been dealt with 'jobs' by those who allowed me to live in this country. She did not appreciate me "going off all willy nilly". But left me alone due to my foul mood. I would have to remember to make it up to her later. 

Like Luca's family, she did not know much about me, but she knew a bit more about my "profession" - as she liked to call it - as it pulled her out of chronic debt. 

Apparently, creating a home for those that are psychic is not cheap.

The bell above the door, lower in tone than that of Luca's, chimed. A familiar young man stepped in, followed by a harsh stranger. Both wore expensive clothes that screamed 'I'm a civilian, honest!' 

I found it more than a little amusing when those who usually wear suits pretend to seem like regular people. The air around them breaks the facade. Easy smile rising, I steeled my spine, put down my book, and walked over to greet them. Like a real life mechanical doll.

"Joey. Welcome back to Gloria's House of Psychics. How may we help you?" The larger, older man – greying slightly – stepped forward first and flashed a badge at me. Nearly blinding me and clocking me on the nose.

"Step aside. We do not have time for pleasantries." I looked past him to the one I called Joey, and gave him a Look. When my eyebrow raised, he looked away sheepishly. "Excuse me. I'm the one talking and paying for your services." My lips lifted up into a smirk despite my mind still thinking about Alexei. I should not have killed him. I should have calmed down and waited.

"The usual that Mr Joey acquires?" The man nodded, a permanent scowl etched into his face. Well aren't you a cheery old man. Approximately twice my age, he stood proud. A slight beer gut under his well pressed shirt.

"The one called Scarlet." I nodded slowly, clasping my hands together. I could feel Gloria's warm gaze on my back. By now I am sure she knew that I was going to "be Difficult"  as everyone liked to call it. Inwardly, I grinned.

"For the two of you at the same time it will be $350 minimum with an extra $50 for any time over an hour." Turning, I gestured towards the back room. "Now if you would like to follow me upstairs, I shall find Scarlet while you two undress and get started." The man guffawed and began choking as what I uttered registered in his mind.

"We are not here for-for-for prostitution!" Joey snorted a laugh that he quickly hid as a cough. Even Gloria was slightly amused.

"Then I am afraid you are in the wrong house. Joey, if I may." I gestured him towards the love seat and began striding away towards it as the older, scowling man searched for his breath. Sitting down gently, I patted the seat. Joey sat close to me. My look turned serious as I murmured to him. "Since when are you babysat?"

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