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When people thinks Taylor is too skinny and not sexy but all you wanted to achieve is her body.


I don't think Taylor is too skinny and not sexy. I think it's just because of her height or even some camera angles. And you know she looks pretty healthy in SN and Red era. Idk I think her schedule is super hectic in the 1989 era and sometimes I think that there must be a teeny tiny time for her to rest and to eat well. I'm so happy that she's having a break although I miss her so much performing and attending shows.

And absolutely NO. She's super sexy and I wanted to achieve her body. I'm weird and I know it. Plus guys, we shouldn't criticize people because of their body that's full of flaws. What a waste it is. The kind of person you are isn't defined by your physical appearance. And I'm thankful that Taylor is busy spending her money with people who are unfortunate with their health not with some surgery that involves pointless shit called silicone.

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