A Zayn Malik Romance

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Chapter 4

You know what, screw him, there's obviously going to be other boys here isn't there? Wow as if I nearly gave my first kiss away to him, ha what a jerk. Who needs him? I don't want to be in a bad mood on my first day.

'There you are! Get your blazer and shoes on, it's time to go!' Lexi  said

'Okay okay!'' I moaned

I had to remember to get some toothpaste before we got back, I didn't want to go over there.. I got my blazer and shoes on and took a peep from the door to see if Zayn was anywhere in sight, that's the last thing I needed..

'Faye what are you doing?' Lili said


'Oh nothing, let's go' 

I put my backpack on and left for school, woo. I heard their door unlock and pegged it down the stairs leaving the rest of the girls exchanging weird looks.

'Where's Faye?' I heard Zayn gasp


'She's just ran down the stairs..' Charlie said still confused

'Argh!!' Zayn said

I heard him running down the stairs. OH CHARLIE YOU FUCKING WANKER. I was so bad at running, but I didn't want to talk to him so here I go. I was still quite a while infront of him so I had a headstart. As I got closer to the ground there were more people, I could blend in!! Yes this was going fabulously well. 

'Faye!' A friend said


'Alisha!! I'll talk over at school, I've just gotta do something!' I said while carrying on running

'Erm okay!' She said confused

I came closer to the door and finally got out, I just needed to get over to my building, then I wouldn't see Zayn for the day, thank lord. I ran and Zayn pushed open the door.

'FAYE!' He shouted

Too late, I was already in the building, YES YES YES I AM THE NEXT JAMES BOND. I slowed down quickly so I didn't look like a weirdo and I was 10 minutes early, this is a good way to start my first day back, not what happened with Zayn..but you know what I mean. 

'Hey Faye! How come you were running so fast? And who was that boy running behind you?' Alisha asked

'Hey! I had to hand a essay in by 8am, and a boy was running behind me? I have no idea who he was..'

'Ahh! I see, and yeah, I think he was new, I'm sure I heard him shout your name'

'Really? I didn't hear anything...' I lied


'I know' 

'Well, I'll see you in lesson!' 

'You sure will!' I said smiling her off

That was close..

'So much for walking with us you bitch' Libby laughed

'Why was you running from Zayn?' Lexi asked

'Yeah he asked us where you went and he start running after you?' Charlie questioned

'As soon as he opened his door, you pegged it?' Lili put in


'What? Haha no I didn't' I said nervously

'Faye, we know you're lying, what's happened' Lili said

'Nothing!' I moaned

'We know when something's up, and something is defenitley up!'

'NOTHING IS UP!' I said angrily

'Ok ok!' Charlie said

'Sorry we asked' Lexi quietly said

Urghh why did I go mad at them, they're my friends they're supposed to care about me, I'm such a jerk.

'Guys I'm sorry' I said quickly

'No, it's ok' Charlie said

'There is something up..' 

'What's the matter chick' Libby said coming closer


'WHAT'S HE DONE, I'LL GET HIM' Charlie said

Everyone laughed, she was always really agressive

'Well..he leaned in to kiss me and then his phone went off, I over heard his conversation and he was saying babe and i love you'

'Oh my god!' They all said

'So what did you do!?' Libby asked

'Well he told me to wait in the bathroom, so I used my lip stick and wrote fuck you Zayn Malik on the mirror for when he went back for me, and I told Niall because he saw how angry I was and Zayn obviously saw what I wrote and came running after me, so that's why I ran off' I explained with my eyes filling up

'Why didn't you tell us?!' Lexi moaned

'I didn't want to ruin your first day' I muttered

'You fool! You can tell us anything! That's what we're here for! Who needs the bastard, you've got us that's all that matters, and we will get him to leave you alone' Charlie said

They all leaned around me and we all hugged

'Don't do anything to bad Charlie' I laughed

'Haha, I'll try not too, don't cry over boys babe, they're not worth your precious tears' She said wiping my face

We went to lesson, we were all in the same lesson for once, but I was on my own next and I only have half an hour of it then half an hour free period, but since they all have a full hour of lesson I have to dawdle around on my own, I guess I'll go sit in the woods or something as usual. Our shool has it's own woods just too chill out, I go there and draw. It seems boring but I love it, plus it would get my mind off things.

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