Chapter 2

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It was going to be a normal day. In the diner with as much coffee as I could afford and my laptop. Recording the mystery of Jason blossoms death. It was all I had to cling on to at the moment, the thrill of the chase. That and the girl next door.

Betty, Betts, green eyes. I didn't realise i was falling until that day at Jason's memorial. When she jumped into my arms and I felt I would risk everything to protect her.
I was just finishing the last entry of the day, the sunset casting shadows on the table of my booth, when my phone rang. Curiosity peaked I reached to grab my phone. The caller was unknown.

"Hello" I answered cautiously. Concerned who it was after all that had happened.
"Is this jughead jones?" Replied a monotone female voice. I didn't recognise it.
Confused I replied "Yes, who is this?"
"I'm a doctor at Riverdale Emergency room, Elizabeth Cooper has just been emitted and is screaming for you, could you immediately come please" The doctor rushed out. I was running out the door from when she said Elizabeth.
After arriving I ran through the hospital to the receptionist and asked what room she was in. They guided me to a room with a pale blonde girl. Lying still. No movement. I sat next to her, held her cold frail hand, and whispered in her ear "I can't loose you"
Authors note
Instead of writing it all in 2 chapters I'm just going to write it in a few, I'll try update soon

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