Alright, so I'll be honest, I don't like the Slavs of Hetalia...that's a lie, I love 'em just not the designs and fandom ideas of how these characters act.
Russia: He's not a psychopath nor a rapist, fandom and should be taller because he's the biggest country. Now Russia is known as the MOTHERLAND and one of the Slavic Sisters so why is he male?
Ukraine: Why the large tracts of land and the crybaby act? Due to current events, I don't think she should be portrayed in such a manner (just because Hetalia was created before, doesn't make it okay).
Belarus: She's not just a yandere obsessed with incest, fandom and why the incest, Hima...just why...
Lativa: Should be taller, Latvian woman are the tallest in the world for fuck's sake.
Poland: Why the cross dressing? We need more female characters and Poland's nyotalia design looks awesome. Plus he should be more religious like Poles and BBFs with Hungary, not Lithuania.
God I love Slavic countries, I'm learning Russian (and failing) anyway peace out, bitchez!
My beef with the character designs for Hetalia
Random(Picture is not mine) I'm Hetalia trash, but there is some problems with the way some characters are designed. Updated will be semi regular and you can send me message if you have any counter arguments or question, I'd love to hear them! Regards, L...