First one the agenda, Eastern Europe

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Alright, so I'll be honest, I don't like the Slavs of Hetalia...that's a lie, I love 'em just not the designs and fandom ideas of how these characters act.

Russia: He's not a psychopath nor a rapist, fandom and should be taller because he's the biggest country. Now Russia is known as the MOTHERLAND and one of the Slavic Sisters so why is he male?

Ukraine: Why the large tracts of land and the crybaby act? Due to current events, I don't think she should be portrayed in such a manner (just because Hetalia was created before, doesn't make it okay).

Belarus: She's not just a yandere obsessed with incest, fandom and why the incest, Hima...just why...

Lativa: Should be taller, Latvian woman are the tallest in the world for fuck's sake.

Poland: Why the cross dressing? We need more female characters and Poland's nyotalia design looks awesome. Plus he should be more religious like Poles and BBFs with Hungary, not Lithuania.

God I love Slavic countries, I'm learning Russian (and failing) anyway peace out, bitchez!

My beef with the character designs for HetaliaWhere stories live. Discover now