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Drakar strolled through the forest unaccompanied. Nearing 'Where flames are born'. He could hear the familiar flutter of their wings and he couldn't believe that only a year had passed.

After the battle Alphira had been sentenced to death, finally marking the extinction of the people of Olderon and the end of a devided Pelgrima.

King Casimir had been dethroned by his people. However his bloodline did continue to rule because shortly after Princess Sybil was married to none other than Prince Cedric. Dukes, Dutcheses, Barons and every other status had been stripped from the court at the beginning of their rule. Making them the first King and Queen to rule an equal Casima.

Queen Sybil sent Resa, Zack and Drakar back to Aevan. Where Queen Adira will continue to rule until Queen Sybil and King Cedric's son was ready to rule over the entire Pelgrima as High King.

Captain vanished shortly after the battle. Leaving everybody to doubt his existence.

Resa never found out how Cassy had gotten onto the battlefield, but Zack was her refuge. They were soon married too and made a home in a once abandoned burners cottage. Resa had her theory that Captain was merely Fate as he and Death often walked hand in hand. That Pelgrima had to run the full circle of being one whole land to divided then peaceful and united again. And that there will be more dark times to come and divide the people of Pelgrima again. Because Fate had a hand in everything, stirring things up and bringing things and people together again.

Drakar watched the nymphs fluttering around and blew a kiss at them, not taking some of their spark, saying farewell. It had taken a voyage across the Great Waters to stop his feet from itching to move on. But now Drakar could turn to walk away, leaving the ritual behind him, to return to The Oasis, to return to Catherine, his wife.

Never to wield a flame again.

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