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Alright art class my least favorite because I'm mostly with girls and they're more creative than I'm howwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww *sigh* whatever *time skip* "Alright class free draw" yay me I don't even know what I should draw whatever I'm just gonna sleep *15min later* " Alright class it's time to go" yes time to go "Hey Anthony wanna see my drawing" "sure" I look at her drawing and wtf did she draw Alice holding a rabbit head that is rip    of what in the world I need to keep this a secret I'm letting anyone see this *time skip* period 4 recess ( I lunch because I barely talk to anyone so yeah) alright time for me to sleep *wakes up after 10min and yawns * "oh hi Kittencake I see u made some friends " I'm kinda scared mate "Hello Anthony I joined the Derp club " " WHAT DID YOU SAY " " oh a sorry I didn't know you ha- "no its fine I just get triggered when I hear derp I just hate them but we're friends kinda and so yeah" (I notice I kept Kittencake's friends silent I don't know why) " Hey Anthony (this Tiffany talking) why we don't we kill you" " yeah"said the other derps" ok time to gooooooooooooooooooooooo (I'll let you imagine what the chase looks like kill me already anyway I'm gonna end it off right here don't know but deal with it)

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