Chapter 15

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Vanessa Faye

After the birth of my two kids, I still had to stay with that prick of a bitch Toby. He tortured the kids- throwing them across the living space when they were crying. I had had enough of him. I need to leave a.s.a.p.

I decide to clear all my stuff i packed. I got the kids ready. I called my mom and i told her to come and collect the stuff. She came immediatley picked up the stuff and the kids and left. It had been an hour now, three boxes left my car was at the back yard. I packed them quickliy. When i walked back in, I heard a rustling noise from outside. I tried to hide, but it was too late. In came Toby. He looked at me in confusion.

Toby: Excuse me, but where exactly are trying to go with my children?

me: Which kids? Because the last time I checked, you are unworthy of kids.

Toby: Shut your dirty mouth bitch. Where are Daniel and Isabella?

me: With my mom..heading to a better place.

Toby: I loved their company..I love you Vanessa. What are you trying to do me?

me: (laughs) Love? Me? Your a joke Toby. If I ever loved you, I would be feeling desperate. In fact, I would be abusing the word 'love'. The only person that I 'love' is Tyson....


Vanessa is now in deep shit with Toby. His anger fumes to the highest peak and he starts balling his fist. Sadly, Vanessa doesn't know what is coming. She just stands there, snickering, thinking that Toby can't do anything because 'Boys can't hit girls'. But Toby is different.

In a matter of seconds, the house is silent, after the connection of Toby's hand to her face.

Vanessa: (shouts) HOW THE FUCK DARE YOU!

Stupidly, Vanessa decides to "strongly" punch him. But he pushed her hard away from him. She hit a wall, and immediately lost conscieness {a/n: poor spelling, i know, but just deal with it}.

By now, Toby was panicking, but an idea came about- he was going to use her.

He picked up the unconscience body and led her to his white master bedroom. He placed her body on his bed and stripped her of her clothes, and came out of his own. He immediately got to work.

Vanessa P.O.V:

Last thing i remember was being punching that fool and him pushing me.

Wait, why am i so cold? And why is it so dark?

I felt my surroundings and felt that i was on a bed. I moved my hand trying to look for the blanket and the side lamp. I found the lamp and i switched the light on. I now know the answer to why I'm so cold... I'm nake..d... Oh shit Toby took advantage of me when I was knocked out. I have had enough of his dodgy behavior and I'm not gonna let this continue.

I dedcided to have a shower and do my hygiene stuff. Then I changed into new clothes. I packed my things and I called my mom. This time, I'm breaking free.

My mom eventually rolled up at the backyard. I quietly put my stuff in the trunk. I went back in the house to see if that rassclarte was asleep or was out. Thank God he was asleep. I ran out of the house to my freedom.


But what Vanessa hasn't realised is that Toby knows where she is going and isn't going to allow the 'love of his life' escape from him. He waited a few hours before leaving to Vanessa's mom's house....

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