10. Cute Guy Alert!

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Annie's POV

I walked down the school hallway, not paying any attention to the outside world. Instead, I was focused on the sleepover I'd be having with Sabrina tonight. As I opened my locker, I went through my mental checklist of everything we were going to do. I stuffed my bag in my locker and pulled out my history textbook. I grabbed my French textbook and a notebook as well. I stuck one pencil behind each of my ears so that I'd have two, just in case. Just after I'd slammed my locker door, a scream sounded from down the hall. Startled, I jumped, causing my stack of textbooks to fall to the floor. Groaning, I bent down to pick them up.

"Annie! HELP!" I heard the same voice yell. Lifting my head, I watched as Peter ran down the hall towards me. I squinted, trying to figure out why he was running. I didn't see anyone chasing him, but he seemed frantic. Unfortunately, Coach Hart turned the corner just in time to see him dashing down the hall.

"Sherwood, no running in the halls!" he yelled, making me jump and drop my books again. "Raymond, try not the break the books, please." I glared at him, but continued picking the books back up. Peter finally reached me and bent to help me pick them up. I smiled to myself when I caught a whiff of his cologne. He smelled good. "Did you hear me, Sherwood?" Peter glanced up and smiled.

"Yes, sir," he said as he grabbed my history book. "I won't do it again."

Coach Hart rose his eyebrows and smiled. "Good," he stated. Then he turned and left. Peter's head whirled in my direction.

"What's going on?" I asked. Peter looked down the hall, like he wanted to make sure that nobody was coming after him. He stood up, still holding the history textbook. By unspoken agreement, we started off in the direction of our first class.

"I may or may not have pulled a prank on Puck," he confessed. I instantly looked behind us, now realizing who he'd been looking for earlier.

"So, what do you think he's gonna do to get you back? He is the one you're hiding from, right?" "

"No idea," he said, "but, actually, it's Sabrina I'm hiding from at the moment." I squinted at him in confusion.

"Why?" I wondered. "That doesn't sound like her." Peter looked at the floor and then back at me, smiling guiltily. Dread settled in the pit of my stomach. "What did you do?"

"She may or may not have been hit by the prank too..." The statement barely sunk in before Sabrina came stomping down the hall. My eyes widened in surprise. Her hair was purple. She had a look of pure fury and it was aimed directly at Peter. I resisted the urge to step to the side, like all the other students did. Peter turned to me. "Help," he whimpered.

"I can't help you get away from 'Brina ," I said, slowly backing away and trying to look apologetic. "Not only because she's my best friend and you deserve it, but there's no stopping her once she's set on something. You should learn that. Maybe try not to upset her next time." I gave him a guilty smile. Peter looked like a caged animal. He looked to his right and then to his left. His eyes widened when he saw the boys bathroom and took off running. Oh no. Should I warn him? It was too late. He was already gone.

I shook my head in disbelief and pity for Peter. No door could stand between Sabrina and her fury. I cringed as Sabrina barged into the restroom. The whole hallway was watching now. I gave them a shrug and waited for Sabrina to drag Peter out by his ear, but I was distracted by a cute brunette who rounded the corner. I'd never actually had the courage to actually talk to him, which was also why I didn't know his name. He must have sensed he was being watched because he looked at me. My eyes widened in realization that I was staring, but he gave me a cute smile. I grinned back, suddenly forgetting everything about Peter, Sabrina, and the prank.

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