The Trip to Nash

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"Tera, will you grab my hair brush?" I said.

"Sure! The pink one or the blue one?" Tera said.

"I don't care! Just grab one!"

Tera and I, Amelia, are going to North Carolina on vacation together. She's my best friend.

"Hurry up and finish packing! We have to go get Matt at 1:00 and the plane leaves at 2:00!"

Matt is our gay friend. He can be amazing, but he can also be a pain.

"Stop rushing me! I have to pick out my cutest clothes. You know how much appearance means to me." Tera said jokingly.


After an hour more of packing, we got in my car to get Matt.

"Do you plan on going to prom?" Tera asked and then laughed.

"Tera! You know that's a touchy subject!" I smiled. I've never had a boyfriend before. Tera attracts all the boys. She has beautiful blonde hair and gorgeous light eyes. I got stuck with the dark hair and dark eyes.

Right then my favorite song came on.

Tera and I looked at each other and smiled.



"How ya doing, ratchets!" Matt yelled.

He ducked under the low roof of my car so he wouldn't hit his head.

He had six big bags in his hands.

"How much clothes did you bring?" Tera asked him.

"You know how much appearance means to me!" Matt said. Tera and I laughed at the joke she had made earlier.

"What!? Matt complained. He slipped his disc of music into the player. The "Ooh' Kill Em" caked up remix came on.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2014 ⏰

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