The Time Has Come (dirkjake)

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Dirk's P.O.V

I looked down at my right wrist just like I did every morning. The clock there counting down to the moment I met my soulmate was still there, ticking away. I shot up in surprise when I read what it said. Today?! In about three hours?! I jumped out of bed. I needed to get ready! I dashed to the bathroom and took a quick, hour-long, shower. I dried off and set to work styling my hair. Then, I went for clothes. I debated showing off with a tank top but decided on a tight fitting t-shirt instead. I picked out some pants, threw on my shades, and checked the clock. One hour away. Oh boy. Was I ready for this? What would they look like? How would they act? I tossed questions around in my head as I left my apartment and started walking down the street. I didn't think about where I was going. I just went.  I snapped out of my thoughts and found myself in the middle of the nearby forest. I checked the clock. 30 minutes. How in the world was I supposed to meet my soulmate here? Were they a hermit or some shit? A hunter maybe? I shook my head and sat down on the forest floor. It was actually pretty peaceful here. The only sounds were the birds and occasional squirrel. I laid back and daydreamed. I must've fallen asleep because when I awoke and checked the clock, there were only 2 minutes left! I shot to my feet and looked around. It was still as peaceful as before. 1 minute. There was a rustling to my left. 30 seconds. It sounded fast. 10 seconds. It was really close. 5 seconds. I got a glimpse of black hair. Times up. The clock on my wrist beeps and falls off but I don't notice. I was too busy staring at the boy who had just burst from the woodlands. He had black hair, green eyes, buck teeth, shorts, a shirt and jacket, and glasses. He stopped in front of me. He seemed out of breath. He didn't seem to notice as his clock fell off. He looked at me and smiled. "Well, hello there chap! Didn't expect to see anyone in the forest today!" So he hadn't seen his clock today? Didn't know I was destined to meet him? "I didn't expect to come here. It just happened." I replied. He chuckled. Fuck. Even his laugh was amazing. "You're a funny one! Sorry for busting in there. Just running from one of the many creatures in this forest." I smirked. This guy was oblivious and it was adorable. "It's fine. I wasn't doing anything." I didn't know why I didn't bring up the clocks. It just felt wrong. "You live around here?" The boy asked. "Yeah, I live just inside the city with my bro." "Cool! I live not far from here in a cabin with my grandma!" "Cool." "What's your name?" "Dirk. You?" "Jake!" I tried to think of something to say but came up with nothing as the silence between us became awkward. "Anyway, I should probably get back. Grandma will be worried about me." Jake turned around. "Wait! Will you be back tomorrow?" I asked. Great. Way to sound desperate for a friend. Jake smiled and nodded. "Sure! See you then!" With that, he took off back into the trees. I stared after him for a while. He was perfect. I slowly turned and left. Excited for tomorrow.

Jake's P.O.V

When I got home, I felt my right wrist. It felt different. More free. I realized something. The clock wasn't there! But who had I met today? The only person I could think of was that boy from the woods. Dirk. Was he my soulmate? Grandma had always told me not to fall in love because the world said to so I never really paid much attention to the clock. Now that it had happened it left some questions, though. Why hadn't he said anything? Did his clock not come off? I shook my head. I could worry about it when I met up with him. 

Dirk's P.O.V

I went back to the forest the next day and sat, waiting for Jake. I started to worry. Had I gotten the right spot? Did he not want to see me again after all? All my doubts were washed away as a familiar rustling came bounding through. He was smiling wide as he spoke. "After I got home last night I noticed something. My clock fell off." He lifted his wrist to show. "Did yours do the same?" He asked sweetly. I lifted my arm to show my empty wrist with a grin. "Yeah." His eyes sparkled with excitement. "Guess that means we're soulmates right?" He said. "Yep." "Well, Grandma always taught me to get to know someone before rushing into a friendship, much less love. So let's talk!" I nodded and so we chatted. It was pleasant. I greatly enjoyed it. "That was fun." I said as it started getting late. We had sat down after we got tired. "Yeah, it really was." He responded. "Love you, Jake." I said. There was a pause before Jake smiled and replied. "Love you too Dirk." I smiled as we leaned in and kissed to seal the relationship. 

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