A Suprise Visitor (erisol) (humanstuck)

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(I don't know why I've been so addicted to this AU recently but I have so here's some more of it)

Sollux's P.O.V

I was having a quick microwave dinner in the dorm room I shared with Feferi when I heard the door open. Ff was supposedly out with some friends tonight. Why would she be back already? Slowly I creeped to the entrance to see who was there. There was boy standing there, pretty small with a pair of glasses. He had a purple streak in his hair which reminded me of something but I couldn't remember what. He was fiddling with a scarf that he had on despite it being relatively warm out. He had his back turned to the doorway as I slowly walked up behind him. I pushed him against the wall and pinned his hands above his head. "Who the fuck are you and what the fuck are you doiing here." I asked forcefully. "Wwhat the hell! I'm Fef's cousin! She told me she had informed you of my temporary stay here wwhile the fix my dorm!" Now that I thought about it, Ff had said something about a boy with a streak of purple hair coming. I hadn't really been listening. "What happened two your dorm? And what iis wiith that accent?" "I can't help my accent! Just like you apparently can't control your spit when you lisp." Ok, that was a low blow. "As for my dorm, my roommate decided that he would go off his anger pills and he went crazy and not only tried to kill me but he trashed the dorm." Oh yeah. I had heard about that. I think the crazy dude, Gamzee I think had been his name, had been taken away to a mental institute by his parents shortly after. I let go of the guys hands and back away. "Fiine. Your story works. Just leave me alone." I started to walk back to the kitchen. "You haven't introduced yourself yet!" "Sollux. Now leave me be." "Wwhatevver. I'm Eridan." I ignored him. I went back to the kitchen and quickly finished my food. I cleaned up and straight to the bedroom. Once I entered, I saw this Eridan dude had set up a mattress in the middle of the floor. It was right in the way. I shook my head. I would have to talk to Ff later. I somehow managed to get to my bed and I sat down on it with my laptop. I decided to message Kk about this. "Kk, you there?" "I'M HERE FUCKTARD. WHAT DO YOU WANT." "Diid you hear about the guy who went crazy and nearly kiilled hiis roommate and destroyed hiis dorm?" "OF COURSE. DIDN'T I FUCKING TELL YOU GAMZEE WAS ONE OF MY ACTUALLY GOOD FRIENDS?" "Oh. Fuck you diid. Sorry, forgot. Anyway, hiis roommate apparently iis Ff's cousiin and iis our new roommate untiil the school can get hiim a new dorm." "WAIT, ERIDAN? BE CAREFUL WITH HIM. HE CAN BE A REAL FUCKING CREEP." "You know hiim?" "LIKE I SAID, I WAS FRIENDS WITH GAMZEE. I WENT OVER TO THEIR DORM SOMETIMES. JUST TAKE MY ADVICE ABOUT HIM." "IIf you say so, Kk." I heard the door open and close. "-Eridan! Glub! You'r-e h-er-e!" I messaged Kk real quick. "Hold up. Ff's back. II'm goiing two go talk two her. Be back iin a second." "WHATEVER NOOK SNIFFER." I rolled my bicolored eyes at Kk's comment and closed my laptop. I got up and somehow managed to get around the mattress and back out of the bedroom. "Hey, Fef! Havven't seen you in forevver!" "I'm so glubing happy to see you!" I walked into the entryway and saw Eridan and Ff standing and talking. Ff turned and noticed me. "Sollux! I told you about -Eridan right?" I nod and Ed gives me a look like, 'then why did you attack me?'. I just shoot him a quick glare that Ff doesn't notice. "Oh! This is going to b-e so much fun!" I couldn't help but smile at her happiness. Ed was smiling too. I glanced up at the clock. "IIt's late. II'm goiing two go two bed. You should two." "I will soon. I just hav-e to finish a f-ew things for work tomorrow." I had forgotten about that. It was Saturday tomorrow and Ff would have to go to the cafe she worked at. That would leave me here with Ed all day. I also worked at the cafe but my shift was different than hers so I worked Sunday while she worked Saturday. We both worked the weekdays in the summer. "I might havve to come vvist and get a coffee." Ed said. "You knoww I can't survvivve wwithout my latte." Ff grinned widely. "That sounds gr-eat!" I knew I had recognized him from somewhere. He came in for a latte often. I just shook my head and walked to the bedroom. I opened my laptop and quickly let Kk know I was going to sleep before exiting the chat and logging off. I closed the laptop and went to get out some pajamas. I got out a pair of flannel pants and since it was winter and the dorm often got cold at night, I got out a old shirt to wear as well. I changed and got into bed. I almost had fallen asleep when Ff and Ed came in. Ff grabbed her pajamas and said she was going to wash off her makeup and would be right back. I just laid there, trying to sleep. Ed dug around in his bag for a moment before pulling out a pair of flannel pants and a shirt. I closed my eyes as he changed and attempted to sleep. I heard shuffling and assumed he had laid down on his bed. I flipped and saw he hadn't taken off his scarf. It was strange but I didn't really care all that much. He had put his glasses down right next to mine on the one bedside table me and Ff shared. Ff came back and I quickly pretended to sleep. She placed her glasses on the table next to Ed's and laid in her own bed. I slowly opened my eyes and looked back to Ed. His chest was lifting with his breath slowly and evenly. He looked so peaceful. It was actually sorta cute. Not that I was attracted to him or anything. I wondered how Ed could possibly be a creep like Kk had said. He seemed nice enough, if a little pompous. Whatever. It didn't matter. Kk could over exaggerate sometimes. I close my eyes and slowly went to sleep. I woke up to clanking in the kitchen. I looked around the bedroom. Ff and Ed had already gotten up and left. I yawned and got up. I grabbed my glasses and put them on as I headed to the kitchen. I saw that Ff's coat was gone so she had already left for work. Ed on the other hand, was messing around with some of the few cooking supplies we had. "What the fuck are you doiing." I asked. "Making breakfast obvviously." "Well duh but why. We have cereal and muffiins." "I am not going to eat that peasant stuff. I am making an omelette." I rolled my eyes. "Whatever." I went to the cupboard and pulled out the cereal box. It was almost empty. We would need to go out and buy some more soon. I grabbed a bowl and poured it. I got a spoon and started eating the cereal. "You going to put milk in that?" "Why would I put miilk iin my cereal?" Ed scoffed and went back to his work. I watched as he practically danced around the kitchen as he made his food. I finished my food and went to clean the dishes. I caught a glance of his omelette and it actually looked really good. "How diid you learn to cook?" I asked. Ed shrugged and I swore I saw a light blush come to his cheeks. "Gamzee was often so out of it due to his anger pills that if he tried to cook he wwould hurt himself or burn dowwn the building so I alwways did the cooking. You pick up some things." I nodded. Ed returned to his work and I cleaned my dishes before heading to the bedroom to grab my laptop and then going to the living room. I sat down and started coding things. At some point, Ed came and sat down on the opposite side of the couch. He turned on the TV to some aquatic life nature program. I got a few messages throughout the day but nothing really big. Soon, it was about lunch time. "Hey, you want to go out and get somethiing for lunch?" "Sure. Wwhy not." I nodded and we both got up. We decided we would go to a nearby fast food place. Once we got there, Ed ordered a salad and I ordered a cheeseburger. We were given a number and we went to find seats. We ate and talked for a while. After we were done we got some ice cream as well. Ed got a sundae and I got a vanilla cone. As we ate, a girl I had seen around campus some walked past. She always was wearing a cat ears headband and she even acted like a cat. Her friend was wearing a tank top despite it being cold and cracked glasses. "Oh! Equius! Didn't they look like a cute couple! I need to update my shipping wall!" I didn't think Ed had heard her but I had. I blushed quite a bit. I mean, Ed was cute and all but I didn't like him like that. Right? Suddenly I wasn't so sure... Ed must've noticed my blush as he said, "You're red. Are you ok, Sol?" "Y-yeah, I'm fine. Just a little hot." "You wwant to get going?" "Sure." Ed smiled at me as we stood to leave. The whole trip I couldn't stop thinking about Ed. Did I really like him? Did I want to be in a relationship with him? I guess I did. He was cute, fun to talk to, and though we didn't agree about a lot it was fun to fight with him too. "You'vve been awwful quiet Sol. You sure you're ok?" "Hmm? Oh, yeah. II just... Have a lot on my miind..." I pulled into the parking lot of the dorms. "Oh? Like wwhat?" "Well... Please don't get mad but... II liike you... As more than a friiend... Please don't hate me..." Ed just stared at me in shock. I looked down and opened my car door. Tears gathered in my eyes and were slowly flowing down my face. I got out of the car and ran inside the building and to our dorm. I ran to the bathroom and locked the door. Tears were streaming now. Why the fuck had I said that. Why was I such a fucking idiot. I heard the dorm door open and footsteps echoed around. I tried to quiet down my sobs but they could still be heard outside the door. The footsteps came up to the door and Ed spoke. "Sol... I don't hate you. I like you too. As more than a friend. Please come out." I was surprised. He liked me back? He didn't hate me? A small smile slowly formed on my face and I opened the door. "You liike me? You really do?" Ed reached up and rubbed a leftover tear from my face. "Yes. I really do." I was happier than I ever had been before as Ed held my hands in his own. "Thank you. II love you." "I lovve you too." 

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