Chapter 2 - Jordyn

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At the door, General Anthony Pierce turned and gave his eighteen year old daughter, standing at attention, one last look, his hand on the door knob.
"At ease soldier." He said and she brought her right hand down from her forehead, joined both hands behind her back and stepped out so her legs were spread.

The General smiled with pride at her and came forward to kiss her forehead and Jordyn Pierce smiled.
"I know I can trust you to take care of yourself while I'm gone Jordyn. You're a smart girl." He told her.
"I had the best teacher Sir!" She replied, causing him to chuckle.
"Now, protocol one last time. What do you have to do?"
"Keep house tidy and locked up during the Purge next week, make sure I am armed at all times and clean my room SIR!" She said.
"Permission to speak freely?"
"How long are you gonna be gone for this time?" She asked.
He smiled, "Only for three days. I'll be doing a special training troupe but I'll be back well in time for your graduation and Purge day, okay baby?"
"Okay Dad."
"Good girl. And don't forget..."
Jordyn looked up at him.
"Have fun at graduation baby." He smiled and she nodded, smiling as well.
"Yes sir!"
Anthony turned to the door then stopped, "One more thing."
"Yes sir?"
"Kill some motherfuckers on Purge day for Daddy." He said.
"Yes SIR!" Jordyn saluted him and he nodded and walked out the door off to Iraq.

Now, three days all to herself. What to do?
Jordyn, short-haired, tattooed and tough, felt like some gum so she went into the kitchen and grabbed the first flavor she saw from the draw where her and her father always kept the gum.
Pocketing it, she went downstairs into the basement where at the end of the hall was a thick metal door.
She slid her hand across the identification scanner and pulled the secret lever, making the door open with a hiss.

Jordyn walked down another hall and opened another metal door which led into the training room. She turned on the small light over her shared gun collection with her father, displayed over two walls. There was a small pile of of them that needed to be cleaned, she figured 'why not', popped some gum in her mouth and picked up the first gun with an oily cloth that was next to the pile. She pulled a chair over from the corner, made herself comfortable by propping her feet up on the bench and disassembled the gun while chewing the gum.
Once disassembled, she cleaned the parts then assembled them back together faster than Forrest Gump.

The cleaning process took less than half an hour so Jordyn began to think of something else to do. She couldn't go for long without having anything to do, otherwise she felt like she was useless to the world, as though she didn't have a reason to live. But in her head she knew she had at least one reason...and it was due the next week.

Jordyn got up and put the last gun back where it belonged. With her father being a General in the US army, he had run the house like a military camp since she was small and liked to keep things orderly, which she inherited from him.

She figured she could practice her shooting as her eyes scanned the walls of guns. Spotting one of her favorites, a revolver magnum calibre 45, she took it off the wall and felt it's familiar weight in her hand and twirled it around her finger, dangerously close to the trigger but of course it wouldn't go off. She'd been around guns since she was three, she wasn't idiot enough to accidentally set it off.

Jordyn walked to the firing range in the Training room, lifted the gun to her sight and fired one, two, three, four, five shots. When she lowered, Jordyn knew she'd hit where she wanted to. Two bullets had grazed each side of the dummy's neck, two exactly where the nerve to spasm would be on the arms and one exactly in the middle of the forehead.

She smiled and put the gun back where she found it before going back upstairs to her room where she continued planning for the next week.
'I'll need at least three,' she thought, 'Oh, but I did that last year. Let's have one more.'
So she grabbed a pin and pushed it into the board. She had two in mind already, and they were perfect. She just needed two more and she was set.
'Should be a piece of cake," she thought and smiled in delight.

She had a feeling this year was going to be fun.

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