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Toady was strange... so i was at the sportsman club, a fundraiser where you play games and eat food and fish with ur hands. Well to start this story i have to go way back to 6th grade. We being my class were lunching rockets we had been working on in school. I was/am socially awkward so once i launched my crappy rocket i dident have any friends to talk to and i was sleep deprived. We were launching them on a baseball field at Dickinson and i saw a net so i of course thought i shuld lay down in it! I layed in it for like 10 minutes before Adam a kid i had a crush on ran up to me with his friends Pation and Kyler following and he said,
"And Abigail's bace 2" he said as he smiled at me and ran over to a pile of leaves that must have been bace 3. Then the teacher yelled at me to get out of the net.... I got bord. So i hung out with the Adam and his friends and we talked and talked and talked untell it was time to walk back to the middle school wich was about 1/2 a mile away. And me and Adam talked and talked and talked all the way back to middle school. And every day we would smile, wave and talk to eachother. I dident have a phone or anything or else i would have asked for his number. The summer vacation came and i completly forgot about him. Next year in 7th grade on the first day of school i asked for his number because i had gotten a phone about a week before school started. So i would stay up late haveing randome conversations and one day over text message he asked me out. But my dad thought i was to young to to date so no matter how much i hated it i had to say no. Wwle dident talk as much after that. But everyday to get to his class he passed my locker and said HI a little to inthusicly. And Charlie a person whos lockers is next to mine tesed me because of that. So i asked Adam to stop saying hi to me in the hallways rather abrubtly. We dident talk after that.... Anyway back to the sportsmans club, i kinda gussed that he would be there and i was right. Halfway through our time there BAM he shows up. -.- shit. I dont swear often but, shit.  And a few other words to but, yea. And we stared at eachother for like 10 seconds... awkward, awkward and more god damn awkward. I left. Thats my awkward story for today. Yay!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2017 ⏰

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