Chapter Thirty

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    Shadestar smirked as she looked down at the mottled gray tom's body beneath her claws. Hail was dead, and so was his bodyguard, Lewi. Shadestar  stepped back and she washed the blood off her paws. With every passing day she gave in to hate and revenge. Shadestar turned around, and she left the body lie there. Soon, soon her revenge would be complete. She returned to the camp and sat down. Stormpaw had become Stormpebble, and was a full medicine cat. Shadestar needed more warriors for the final battle and she had been pushing the mentors to train their apprentices harder. She had drifted apart from Stormfall, they rarely spoke. Shadestar was truly alone her clan. She was not the cat she once was or the cat that she should be.

    "Did you kill Hail?" Shimmerleaf asked Shadestar . Shimmerleaf had become closer to Shadestar, but yet Shadestar hadn't become all that close to Shimmerleaf.

    "Yes, I did. " she meowed, licking her fur. She cleaned herself as Shimmerleaf watched her. The other shecat sighed and shook her head.

    "Killing Silverclaw and his loved ones will not bring back your loved ones."  Shimmerleaf meowed. Shadestar raised her hackles and turned quickly to face Shimmerleaf. "Shadestar, revenge is not the answer."

    "Who died and made you leader?! I'm the leader here! Don't question me, Shimmerleaf! You're just the medicine cat!" Shadestar hissed. Then she stalked off and went into her den which was where she spent most of her time. She curled up in her nest and went to sleep.


    It had been moons since shadestar killed Hail and Lewi. She was dragging out the torment she was causing Silverclaw for as long as she could. She figured it made the pain worse, him never knowing when she'd strike next. She laid in her nest thinking off all the fun times she'd had with her kits, with her sister, with her father, with Stormfall. All the things he'd taken away from her. Now, now she was alone and now she was someone else.

    She'd made Mudpaw, Cinderpaw, Jaypaw, and Petalpaw warriors. They were Mudstripe, Cinderfeather, Jaywing, and Petaltail now. Echofoot, Pinetail and Darkpelt were elders now. Sweetpaw's mentor was Nettleshade, Oakpaw's mentor was Flowerheart, Brownpaw's mentor was Dustclaw, and Crowpaw's mentor was Stormfall. Shadestar was happy to see her clan thriving. Though she'd be even happier when Silverclaw was dead.

    Shadestar  stalked out of camp, vengeance was almost here. She knew exactly where Pearl was. And she'd kill her slow and painfully. Shadestar ran through the forest, the wind blowing through her fur. She skidded to a halt at the sight of Pearl. She'd had her kits, all still born. Sad, but she didn't care. Shadestar jumped on her, scratching her all over. She bit and scratched while the she cat squirmed. She landed the killing blow, by slashing open her belly, the same way Silverclaw killed her family. She stepped back and kicked the body. Then she returned to camp. It was time to attack the camp. And she was more than ready.


    "We attack tonight!" Shadestar yowled to her clan mates. They all nodded. Shadestar grinned. "Lets move out!" She jumped down from the rock she what's standing on, and she lead the patrol of Featherlight, Robinfoot, Fernfeather, Stormheart, Smokeshine, Adderstrike, Silverberry, Mintsky, and all the apprentices. Shadestar narrowed her eyes as her and her clan made there way through the forest silent as the shadows. They crossed the border and made their way to the camp. As silent as they were, they raided the camp. Shadestar hung back, watching her warriors fight the rouges. She lashed her tail, waiting for Silverclaw to emerge.

    "You! You monster!" Silverclaw circled Shadestar, pain and hate in his eyes. His fur was unkept.

    "No. You're  the monster, what kind of cat kills kits!" Shadestar hissed. She lept onto the tom, tearing his ear. He bit her shoulder and she slashed his side. They tumbled through the reeds. Shadestar was underneath him. He thought he had won. But that was far from the truth. She smirked evilly and she slashed open his belly. His blood spilled out of him over her and she shoved his body off of her.

    "He is dead! We have won!" She expected the hole in her heart to be filled, that she'd be happy now. But she was just as empty as she was before. She was hollow, she was a shell of the cat she used to be. Revenge hadn't made her happy. She was cold on the inside, and as she made her way back to camp with her Clan, she realized this. she was still empty on the inside, the hole in her heart still unfilled.

(Warriors) 🌹Flower In The Shadows🌹 Volume I: ✳Dark Seeds✳Where stories live. Discover now