Private Number

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First thing, English isn't my main language, sorry for any mistake or incoherence

This is situated between the second and the third season of scorpion, so, is you haven't season two and the first episode of season three, read this at your own risk, because it's a big spoiler... But I understand you, I always read spoilers, haha

Portland, Oregon

She was walking alone across the park. It was a little bit cold, but she wasn't paying attention to the weather, she was aware that the day was gray. As always.

Six months passed since she picked Tim.

She just wish she had a time machine to rewind and listen to what her heart was screaming to her...

She missed her chance.

Her beautiful eyes were soaked with tears, she couldn't help but sob.

If a couple of years ago someone would told her that a man would change her life forever, she would laugh. She gave up on love when she was cheated, and she did not intend to let another man into her life, into their lives.

But there she was. Living with the man that cheated on her. Luckily he didn't try to get her back. Because her heart belongs to the man she lost for being hysterical and selfish.

She took off her phone and checked the time. She should go home.

But her phone started ringing, it was a private number. She answered the call


San Francisco, California
At the same time

He was at home

It really didn't felt like home, but he can't go back to his real home after what happened six months ago.

He toke that risk, he know it could happen anyways, or it could be worse, they could've noticed he was there, watching they kissing...

Luckily he left at the right time

Literally, a day after the incident he moved to San Francisco. Sly told him that a week after she moved to Portland... 

He was confused. What happened with the whole Tim thing?

He convinced himself that it doesn't matter, he can't even bare the idea of seen her again.

But even if he wanted to, it would never happened. After all the relationship drama, scorpion was disolved

He missed them. He never figured all how much he loved his friends until he was completely alone

He closed his eyes, without paying attention at the TV. He tried to bring back all the memories of the team being together, happy, weird as always, fighting for some stupid things, like cinnamon in the coffee machine, paperwork, the leaks in the garage, best scores of Proton Arnold, making competitions, disordering Sly's desktop just to see if the rest of the team figures out what's not in its place, playing bowling being on a skateboard instead of using a ball...

That felt like home, would he ever feel that again?

His phone interrupted his throughs, it was a private number...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2017 ⏰

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