Chapter 1

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Mystic Falls, Virginia.
2016, Summer.

It was seven, in the morning when the alarm went off drilling through Caroline Forbes' skull, who was in a dreamless sleep. She growled in annoyance as she rolled over the pillow covering her ear to stop the awful sound as if it would deafen her. To make it worse, the sunlight beamed through the window right into her face and the golden curls of her hair. Why on Earth did I set up the alarm clock for this early? She asked herself.

She was finally up and reached out to turn off the alarm clock. It was then, her phone rang. Without checking who it was, she quickly picked up.

"Caroline Forbes!" Her eyes went wide in response to the loud shriek of her name. If she wasn't awake before, she was sure the voice did it. It was a rather spirited shriek than a vexed one and then the huge wrecking ball banged on her head, making her gather everything at once. She also heard the background clatters, which was not quiet necessary to make her grasp what today was.

"Oh, my god!" She countered in a hoarse voice. Elena Gilbert understood that Caroline had been slumbering this entire time. It seems someone is behind the schedule, Elena cackled to herself.

"No." Elena retorted. As hard as it was to consider this, it was the truth. Caroline had overslept on this very important day.

She had gone through discussing this day with Elena and Bonnie, also The Salvatores, Matt and her boyfriend, Tyler Lockwood a million times and everyone was almost getting a little maddened by that. But she was Caroline Forbes for calling out loud. Miss Mystic Falls. The one who was seamless at doing what she does and yet, the second best. She never grumbled about it though. She's perfect at hiding her feelings. But really? What is she not perfect at?

"Oh no!" Without waiting for a riposte, she hung up the phone and threw her blanket to the other side and was gone before anyone could have blinked.

"She's up!" Elena announced to everyone while letting go of a balloon. It landed on the ground and sprang quite a few times before Stefan Salvatore's boot became the barrier. He sneered at her and mimed, 'I love you'. She laughed and shook her head. They had being going out since high school and now they were engaged. Elena's ring sparkled in the bright sunlight as she worked on with the balloons.

Elena was a popular novelist. She has already written seventeen stories and every one of her stories were better than her previous work. She was certain her parents would be gratified of her success. It was not only her parents who pushed her towards that field. It was her friends and mostly Caroline due to Elena's great language skills.

Stefan was studying medicine in Whitmore College. He had always wanted to be a doctor and was very hardworking. But he made sure he had time for Elena, the love of his life, even though Elena did comprehend that the route to becoming a doctor is a very challenging one indeed and she doesn't want to add pressure to it. He loved her even more for this, but he never made her feel lonely or left out of his life.

He would always visit her whenever it was a break. This summer, he proposed to her. Although, the magical night could not have been so miraculous if it weren't for Caroline who ornamented the place and made Stefan go through literal hell to guarantee that he wouldn't mess it up. Of course, she didn't ask the exact words since it was up to Stefan to say it and only Elena warranted to hear them, but she did give a lot of instructions on what to wear, how to hold her hand, how to walk, not to mention she even picked up the piece of blind folding clothe!
She just wanted Elena to have a perfect night! And she did. That was indeed the first time she had felt so happy after the tragic accident.

"Wait - what? You mean Caroline was asleep?" Bonnie Bennett asked as she passed the streamers and glitter gun to Matt. Matt carefully put the blue layers side by side in a decorative pattern, the same exact way Caroline had asked him to. Then he carefully sprayed glitter over them.
Bonnie Bennett was an air hostess - one that she didn't really plan of becoming at first. But circumstances led towards it and that's when she apprehended this was the best profession for her. She formerly wanted to be a cook but no matter how hard one tries, something's are just not meant to be.

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