waking up

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(Liz's moms pov )

the phone rings I ran over to it unplug it and answer the phone "hello miss,milano your daughter Liz  got in a wreck your hoping you could come to the Whitestone hospital to see her she is in the emergency room 214 3rd floor " you breath out holding back tears liz was only 16 you were scared but you replied "yes I will be over asap thank you " and hung up you grabbed your phone purse laptop and keys and ran out the door jumped in the car I'm so glad Whitestone is really close or else I would be so scared all the way there it is about five six minute drive well on the way there a couple songs came on you can't even listen to them you cried the entire way there just thinking about how much pain your daughter would be in you also called your husband told him he said he would be there soon you also called carol liz's sister blake liz's brother charity her bff and Zach her other bff and brook her friend you finally got there it felt like an hour drive you ran inside and I got on a elevator and went to 3rd floor when  you got there you asking the closest nurse where room 214 was she pointed you to a gray door and you ran into the room when you got there you saw your little blonde  baby girl in a bed super pale with wires  all over her you walked over to her grabbed her hand squeezed it a little and started sobbing you said " baby baby please please wake up I don't know what I'd do without you please I'm begging you I love you" she moved a little but not much " I presume you are her mom" someone from the door said I turned around and was looking at a tall doctor " yes and what's wrong what happened will she be okay when will she wake up" I said fatly "well she has a slight concussion and she is unconscious and what happened a pick up truck hit the back of the bus where your daughter was sitting we don't know for sure when shell wake up we also don't know if she will be okay" tears came to my eyes and fell he cheeked off a couple things on his check board  and left I looked at her and she moved a lot more than she did before and just like that her eyes were open I walked over too her and said "liz your awake" she looked at me confused "who are you and where am I " "im your mom don't you remember" I pressed the button so the doctor would come in when he did he smiled "she is awake" "yes but she doesn't remember me why doesn't she remember me" "well she might have slight amnesia not most likely permanent " I wa relived it wasn't permanent "im going to run a few tests then going to see how much she remembers " he explained as he walked closer to her bed asked her a couple of questions "im starting to believe that this amnesia might take a little longer for her to get out of" "oh when does she go home" I asked the tall doctor "next week she should be alright to go home" I looked at my young beautiful daughter "hey honey are you sure you don't remember anything""im sorry but I don't really" these words hurt a lot "its ok sweetie im your mother you were in an accident and you lost your memory I hope it comes back soon  because I love you your family loves you your friends love you " she smiled I felt a little happier "do I have any siblings " she asked "yes dear you have two sister ariana 18 and carol 13 and a brother 17 " as if on cue ariana and blake walked in holding hands "she woke up" ariana said running up to the bed to stand next to me blake close behind er they both looked more concerned and serioser than I've ever seen them I nodded and said to liz "lizzie this is ariana'' I said pointed at my oldest smiling "why did you say that" ariana said confused I turned to her and said "well she has slight amnesia she could have it for hour days weeks months even years" she frowned I turned to blake "this is you brother blake" I said pointing to my only boy liz smiled happily "can you tell me more about me " "of coarse lets see you are my beautiful blondie your 16 years young you are a very talented gymnast and cheerleader you are very smart you have the prettiest eyes you are the spitting image of your sister ariana you are a very good singer you are good at everything you try "I smiled its true she is so beautiful and her eyes are purely amazing she looked so happy for being in so bad condition. liz's bffs Zach Charity and Brooklyn walked in the room charity was gripping brooks hand so hard I thought it would pop off "omg girly your alright" brook says liz looked confused once again "are you carol" they looked kind of heart broken "babe no were your best friends why don't you know that" charity said "umm well she has amnesia" "omg when will it be gone "the two girls said the same time Zach looked pretty scared too ''we don't know for sure but introduce yourself to your best friend" charity and brook and Zach looked really sad but faked smiles " hi lizzie bear im one of your bffs my names charity we do cheer together" liz smiled "hey girly im Brooklyn we have been the bestiest friends since 2nd grade" she smiled wider "her el (her name was Elizabeth so she has a lot of nicknames) im Zach your piggy back buddy since 6th grade "she laughed a little "whats a piggyback buddy"she asked the other blond "well we found out pretty much right after we became friends that we liked piggyback rides and well im the guy that always gives them to you" she smiled "free ride sounds nice " he laughed "well at least we know she has the same personality'' the guy joked they all smiled nodded and agreed about the joke he said I laughed a bit myself. my husband ell's dad walked in right after that "omg princess are you okay" "she has amnesia we don't know exactly how long she will have it but she doesn't remember anything " I said trying to explain everything to him at once "oh god that Is not good" he looked at his daughter "hey sweetie im you daddy" she smiled he smiled too the doctor walked in "sorry to interrupt this family reunion but the test I took on Elizabeth say that most likely the more places you go more people you introduce her too her memories will come back piece by piece it could take up to half a year but it is not perrminet and she will be able to leve at 11 pm" we all sighed it was 8:00 now so 3 hours wasn't that bad we would stay show her different pictures gave her her phone for her to play with that would definatley jog some memories "wow I just had a picture of me in a store with you(she pointed at me) looking at phones and I was looking at this one saying I liked it and the man helping us said nice chiose it is $350 but its an at&t iphone 5s and you nodded" I remembered that day really well it was a year or so ago she would always complain about the phone she had so we finally took her to get that one I smiled at the memorie everybody cheered one down millions more

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