The Boy Across the Universe

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I was never anything special, and I'm still not. I'm ordinary. Everything about my life has always been ordinary. I've never been cool, I've never had friends, and I always had a schedule of some sort, planning my life by the weeks. I don't talk much, and I don't have any obsessions to feed. I'm just existing and that's all I've ever planned to do. I don't know where my life will go, and I don't expect to have it go someplace big. All I know is I'm not special and I never will be. I'm always going to be the outcast and that's been easier to accept over the years. For all of my eighteen years of living, I've had all of what I need, and none of what I want. I've always been in an environment where we only have just enough money to get by and nothing else. That's okay though, because I know I'll never be someone who lets things go to waste. That's what my world has always been, and what I thought it would always be. Thought. I was never expecting my life to change so quickly. I wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary. I was shopping for the groceries I'd need for the week after finally getting everything into my new apartment. I was walking to get something for breakfast when my entire life changed in just under a minute. I saw a boy, and for the first time in my life, I'd felt something for somebody. Somebody I'd never even met. He was the first person to ever really catch my eye, and stop my breathing. I didn't understand what this boy was doing to me. He had black hair, in sort of long, thick locks. He wasn't super skinny or lanky, but he wasn't chubby or fat. He was wearing a big bright blue sweater, a pair of skinny jeans with holes in the knees, and a pair of black converses. His eyes were all sorts of different colors, and I swear I could see worlds behind them. He was just beautiful. He must have noticed me staring, because he looked up at my from across the isle where he had been crouching, mouth slightly parted. I must have looked like an idiot, standing there, staring with my mouth open in the middle of a supermarket, staring at a boy I had never even met like he was the answer to everything. As our eyes met, I felt myself blushing hard, and looked down at the floor. I crushed my eyes shut, trying to prepare myself to get yelled at by a beautiful stranger. The yelling never came. In fact, the only thing I heard from across the isle was a small giggle. I opened my eyes and kept my head down, still blushing. I couldn't think, or process anything at the moment. In fact, I didn't even hear his footsteps as he walked towards me. I felt soft fingers lightly tip my chin up, only to have my eyes meet with the blushing face of the stranger. He studied my face, probably sensing that I was nervous. He gave me a soft smile, that I had slowly returned, still blushing like crazy. "Hey." He said softly still smiling at me. "H-hey." I stuttered out, still staring like an imbecile. "I'm Gerard." He said softly, as if I was gonna run off like a scared animal if he wasn't careful.  "F-Frank." He giggled a bit, and it was one of the cutest things I'd ever seen. "So, Frank, if you don't mind me asking, why were you staring at me like that just now?" He said, a slightly bigger grin appearing onto his face, as even more blush appeared onto mine. "I-I uh..I was just- I" he giggled and shushed me. "It's okay, I'm just teasing you." I looked back down, still blushing like a school girl and smiling softly to myself. "O-okay." He stepped a little closer to me, and tipped my head back up again, smiling. "So uh, if you don't mind me asking, would you happen to have a phone I could maybe text you on, Frank?" I didn't think it was possible, but yes I  blushed so hard I got dizzy and felt like I might faint. "I-uh-yeah.." I took the  notepad I had my grocery list on, and scribbled down my number. I slowly handed it to him, still blushing hard. He smiled at me and accepted it fondly. "Great. To be quite honest with you Frank, I'd love to meet you again some time, if that's alright with you." I almost fainted right there. "O-oh. Umm, o-okay G-Gerard." He giggled again. I must look like an idiot. "You've never been on a date, have you?" My eyes widened a little. Oh god, was it that obvious that a total stranger could tell? "N-no. I haven't." He smiled even wider and giggled as the blush that had just about left my face, returned. I bit my lip and looked down again, as if I was trying to hide from this pretty stranger. He softly brushed my hair back, scaring me, and causing my head to snap up, even more blush appearing. "That's okay. You seem like a great person, Frank. Would you maybe want to have your first date with me?" I probably almost died when those words came out, looking like a blushing, anxious mess. "Y-yes." I said almost too quickly. What's this boy doing to me? I've never been like this before, and never thought I would. "Well then Frank, it's a date. I'll text you later." He smiled and waved a goodbye, walking away, leaving me a confused, blushing, anxious mess of a boy in an isle of the grocery store. As I finished my shopping, all I could think about was Gerard. The ride home, all I could think about was Gerard. Everything else I did that day, Gerard was the only thing in my mind. He was cute, and sweet, and gentle. I still didn't understand why I was so attracted to this strange boy from the grocery store. It hadn't ever happened to me in my entire life. I've never even had a crush. This boy is a whole lot of everything for a stranger I'd met that day. With that thought, my phone buzzed, as I quickly remembered that I gave that strange boy from the grocery store my phone number. I quickly pulled it out, seeing a text from an unknown number. "Hey Frank, its Gerard. I didn't know if it was a good time to call or anything, so I just decided I'd text you instead." My heartbeat increased as I typed out a reply. "Hey Gerard, I'm not busy. I was just getting out of the shower." I decided that I would call my mom and tell her about Gerard. Someone has to know that I've finally got some plans.  I pressed call. "Hey momma." She giggled, probably at the happy tone of my voice. "Hey Frankie, what's up baby?" I sighed contently. "I've met someone." I said softly. She could probably hear the smile in my voice. She gasped and gave a small shriek. "Really Frankie? Tell me about them! How'd you meet?" Mom already knew I was talking about a boy. In fact, even if I didn't have any attraction to anyone, she still always knew that I had preferred boys. "I was walking through the store to get groceries, and I don't know what happened, but I was looking at this beautiful boy. He was crouched down, minding his own business from across the isle. I guess I just kinda stared, and he looked up, and I blushed, and then he introduced himself. I gave him my number." She gave a happy sigh. "What's his name?" I smiled, thinking of his beautiful name that was already on the tip of my tongue. "His name is Gerard." She repeated the name. "Gerard, it's a very pretty name." I chuckled a bit. I felt like my whole world had changed and the only person I could tell was my mom. It was true, but I could at least pretend it wasn't. "Yeah. A very pretty name for a very pretty boy." She giggled again. "Well, Frankie, I'm glad you've found someone, but I'm very tired. I'm gonna go sleep, love you honey." She yawned out. "Love you too, mom." She hung up and I ended up falling back onto my bed, thinking over how everything I've ever wanted without even knowing it was happening. I almost fell asleep, until my phone started ringing. I didn't check to see who it was, seeing that the only two contacts I had was my mother and Gerard. I took a wild guess when I answered, half asleep. "M-momma?" I yawned out. I heard a giggle. "Not quite, Frankie." I flew up from my spot. "O-oh. Hi." I was blushing after hearing Gerard call me Frankie instead of Frank. "Sorry for calling so late, I just couldn't stop thinking about you." I blushed even more. "I-I couldn't stop thinking about you e-either." I heard that small giggle that I was already growing to love. "It's weird, I've never felt like this about anyone Frank. I just feel like I can trust you with everything, even if we don't really know each other." I can't believe this is happening. Cute boy, nice person, gentle voice. He likes me. Wow. "Y-yeah.." I couldn't get much else out. "Frank, I know you don't know me all too well, and I know you just met me, and this is really strange but.. I need to see you again. C-can I come over?" I gasped. This was what will make it or break it. I will literally be trusting a total stranger in my home and with my address. But, he's not a total stranger. He's Gerard. "O-of course. I'll text you directions.."  Gerard gasped. "R-really? You don't have to Frank I- I mean-" I cut him off with a small giggle. "It's fine G-Gerard.. I wanna see you too." I blushed, even admitting it to myself  for the first time. "O-okay, I'll be there in a while then.." He said as he got my text. "See you then, Gerard.." I said softly. I hung up and waited. It took him about ten minutes. While I waited, all I did was sang random songs that came to my head. When Gerard knocked, I was in the middle of singing 'Ragdoll' by Aerosmith. Loudly. When I opened the door, I was blushing, knowing it was very likely that he had heard me. "H-hi.." I said softly, moving away so Gerard could come into my new apartment. "Sorry for the clutter, I-I just moved in today and I wasn't e-expecting guests.." he giggled and looked around. "It's okay Frank. I don't mind, I just had to come see you. I couldn't stop thinking about you."  I smiled and played with the fabric of my shirt. "I'm glad you're here, I don't like being alone. Especially in strange new places." He hesitated before grabbing both my hands and stepping closer to me, putting his forehead on mine. I froze. "As long as you want me here, you'll never be left alone, Frankie." He smiled as I stood frozen. I didn't know what to do. I've never even been kissed, let alone put into this kind of situation. I trusted Gerard though. I went with my instincts and slowly put my shaking hands onto his hips, as I put my head onto his shoulder. He breathed out a giggle and put his hands onto my hips, as he kissed my head. I was still shaking, not knowing what to do. "You know Frank, you're really adorable. I can tell you've never had any kind of relationship, right?" I froze again, only blushing more and slowly nodding, greatful that his shoulder was there to hide my face. "Well, I'm glad I'm changing that." He said softly as he tipped my head up like he had at the store. I looked at him with wide eyes,  my mouth parted in utter shock. A good kind of shock, though. I was even more shocked however when Gerard, who I'd barley even known for a day, leaned down and kissed me softly. I didn't know what to do at first, our hands on each others hips, Gerard kissing me with his eyes closed, leaning into me. I slowly closed my eyes and tried to replicate what Gerard was doing. It felt amazing, and I was loving every second, moving my hands to wrap around the back of his neck, pulling him closer. After a minute had passed, Gerard easily broke the kiss, looking down at me. I blushed and looked at the floor, feeling like I did something wrong. "I-I'm sorry if that was b-bad I just..I never d-did that before and.." he hugged me easily. "Don't worry about it. That was perfect, Frank." I hugged back until Gerard broke it, checking the time on his phone. "Well Frank, this has been super amazing but it's like ten thirty, and I should probably get out of your hair." He turned to head for the door, so I did one of the bravest things I've ever done. I reached out for him. He stopped, and turned around, confused. I grabbed his face and pulled him into a soft kiss. I pulled away, to see his shocked face. "Please Gerard.. s-stay with me.." He looked absolutely astonished as he slowly nodded. "I- I mean, Frank you don't have a couch yet, I-" I shushedhim and looked up at him from under my eyelashes. "Come sleep with me." I whispered shyly. I softly took his hand and pulled him into my room. "I'll even let you borrow some sweatpants to sleep in, I-if you want.." I pulled out two pairs of black sweats and threw him one. "I-I'm gonna go change in here." I said softly as I made my way to the bathroom. When I came back out, Gerard was dressed in my sweats. Sweats and shirtless. I blushed, left looking like a fool in my too big shirt, looking at Gerard's abs. "You look adorable, Frank." He smiled. I blushed and stared at him for the longest time before finally pulling him to the bed. I bravely cuddled up to his chest, holding his hip, and looking up at him. "G-goodnight Gerard.." I whispered. He leaned down and softly kissed me again. "Sweet dreams, Frankie." He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. I blushed, and stayed awake just a little longer than him, blushing and replaying everything in my head, and trying to decide if I was just dreaming or not. My thinking was inteupted by Gerard who was lightly snoring and turned to he was laying on his back. He then pulled me on top of him, grabbing me and wrapping his arms around my lower back. I smiled and put my head softly onto his chest, falling alseep in the safety of his arms.

Just got bored and started writing. Vote/ comment if I should continue. Thanks❤

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