Chapter 1

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"And now class is dismissed, have a wonderful summer."I ran out the door and ran to my dorm, but my room mate/bff juliet beat me there."finally were out of college, for good i might add.It was my last year at college."i can finally explore the world just like i dreamed of,I laid down on the bed talking to juliet about where i was gonna go and what i was gonna do in with life, she did the same.After an hour of talking i looked at phone and saw the time.

"I HAVE TO BE HOME BY 4;00!" I screeched

"i packed up all your stuff for you,and remember keep in touch."juliet sadly said

"i will miss you and thanks for your help."

"anytime,and i will miss you more,'

"yea right, goodbye."

"bye,"the last words i heard before i walked out.I will miss this place, i have so many memories here like when i went to my first party with juliet, or the time me and juliet toilet papered our exes houses, or even meeting juliet, i am gonna miss her so much.I am gonna see her for winter break, i left like five minutes ago and it already feels like months.

I hailed a cab and told him"To california please."He instantly got a little smirk on his face because he knew that it would cost a lot.He told me to get some rest because it was gonna be a loooooooong drive, i did as he told and my eyes got heavier and heavier til i fell asleep.

"UP, WAKE UP WERE HERE."i instantly looked up at the tired man and realized i was at my moms house.

"thank you so much."

"no problem kid, now may i pleeeease have my money."

"sure."i handed him the money and he suddenly didnt look tired

"thanks again."

"no thank you."i saw him drive away faster than i could see.

I turned around to see my mothers house and i quickly ran to the door.KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK.The door flew open reaviling my little brother cody, he instantly wrapped his 14 year old arms that were schockingly very strong around me, i did the same to him.Cody didnt have to say anything, he just gave me a "i have missed you so much glare", i gave him that glare back.Cody and i never fight, we have only fought once and i had my reasons for being mad but other than that never.Our glare/stareing contest was put to an end when i saw mom.I instantly shot towards her gving her a huge tight bear hug.

"ive missed you"i whispered

"ive missed you to"

when our 2 hour hug ended she led me towards the dining room and said"made your favorite, homemade fried chicken."My mouth watered thinking bout it til i realized it was on the table, i leaped into the chair and ate it within 5 min, in my defense i havent eaten in almost two days.I and my bro and mom sat there talking about when i was gone, what they did and what i did.Suddenly my mom walks to the kitchen and back but this time i see her walking back with a box.

"you didnt have to mum."

"well if you dont want it i will just give it to cody."

"BUT i will be happy to take it."me mom and cody laughed for a sec then my mom handed me the box, i slowly opened it to find a beautiful camera lying there (im a photographer)I gasped and then my mom said "thats not all delilah"i sat there curiously excited and looked through the box."NO WAY"there lied one ticket to England"THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU."i reapeated it almost a hundred times til i think my mom got the point that i was thankful.She said"go get some rest, your flight is at 6am tomorrow."I gave my mom a hug and a kiss then i gave cody a hug to.

"goodnight mom and cody"

"goodnight Delilah"they said at the same time.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm playing.

"UGH." i grabbed it to realized it was 5:40, I shot up and looked through my closet, i picked out a thin baggy sweater then tucked the front part in my high waisted shorts, then i put on my maroon doc martins.I took a shower last night so i wouldnt need one today.I quickly put on my bath and body works pink chiffon lotion and perfume and ran to my door.I was about to run out my bedroom door but my mom beat me there.

"HURRY HURRY LOTS OF WORRY."i let out a small laugh to that, i ran downstairs but before i could run out the door i saw cody there looking very depprested

"i dont want you to go,"he whispered

" i promise i will be back soon enough."

"pinkie promise"

"pinkie promise"i grabbed his pinkie with mine but then i pulled his pinkie toward me and gave him a huge hug.My mom then grabbed my wrist then pulled me out to the car.Luckily the drive is only 5 min away but i still needed to hurry.We were there and i gave my mom a hug then ran out of the car.I suddenly felt something grab my wrist, i looked back to see my mom starting to cry.Finally she said something

"go find yourself."

"go find yourself."

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