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PLEASE give me feedback! Also, what do you think of the new cover?

"Louis, it's me Eleanor." she smiled. Louis stood in complete shock.

"Cher! I'm going on break!" Eleanor called to someone behind the counter. Eleanor hopped over the counter and wrapped Louis in a tight hug. [Gag! I actually don't particularly like Eleanor] Louis hesitated before wrapping his arms around her waist. The boys watched in complete confusion. Harry's fists clenched in jealousy.

Louis pulled away but kept his hands on her waist smiling widely at her.

"Eleanor!" Louis grinned.

"You two know each other?" Liam asked.

"Yeah! We went to school together. She was in the school play with me." Louis praised.

Harry cleared his throat and Louis finally released his hands from her waist.

"Eleanor, I'd like you to meet my," Louis paused. "Best friend Harry." Harry tried to smile at her but his lips dragged down as he heard the words 'best friend'. He told himself that it was because they needed to keep their relationship a secret.

"Nice to meet you, Harry." Eleanor held her hand out. The rest of the boys stood awkwardly watching the scene. Harry shook her hand with a small smile.

"And this is Niall, Zayn and Liam." Eleanor smiled at them.

"So how are you boobear?" Harry's chest hurt at the nick name he had for Louis.

"I've been good, El. You?" Louis shoved his hands in his pocket completely forgetting how hungry and annoyed he was.

"Great, I've been great."

"What are you doing in London?" Louis asked.

"I live here now. What are you doing here?"

"We're performing here while we're on tour."

"Oh that's cool. So you actually did make it big." Eleanor chuckled.

"I guess you could say that. We're actually performing tonight at Wembley Stadium. You should come. I'll get you a back stage pass."

"I'd love to." Eleanor gave Louis another hug.

The café began to get crowded with hungry people.

"I should probably get back to work." Eleanor squeezed Louis once more.


"You think?" Harry mumbled.

"Here text me your number so I can reach you." Eleanor grabbed Louis' hand and wrote her number down.

"I will. Cya later, El."

"Okie dokie boo." The boys had already sat down at a table with food already served.

"You two seem close." Zayn pointed out.

"Uh, yeah I guess." Louis shrugged as Harry took a bite out of his bagel.

"Is that any good?"

"Why don't you ask Eleanor?" Harry snapped at Louis.

Louis frowned, staying silent for the rest of their meal.


Liam, Louis, Niall, Harry and Zayn were dressing for their concert that was starting in seven minutes.

"Have any of you seen Eleanor?" Louis questioned causing Harry to storm out of the room. He'd beem avoiding Louis since they were at the cafe.

"What's his problem?" Louis asked. All the boys looked at him like he was a mad man.

"He's jealous." Niall mumbled knowing that feeling all too well.

"Can you blame him? She's practically throwing herself at you, and you're letting her." Zayn scoffed.

"What happened to you being gay?" Liam was honestly confused by the whole thing.

"I am gay. El and I are just friends, she isn't throwing herself at me." Louis frowned although he didn't feel like he was being completely honest.

"Two minutes!" The boys stood ready to jump on stage, Harry had already reappeared.

"Lou!" Eleanor jumped on Louis' back wrapping her legs around his waist.

"Wish you luck! I'll be out here when you finish." she kissed his cheek as she jumped off. Harry groaned.

The boys were engulfed in ear-piercing screams as the ran around waving at fans. The boys began singing "Strong" as the fans cheered.

Zayn stood at Niall's side the whole time making sure to protect him if anyone had hate to throw at him. Zayn spotted a sign that said "Irish fags die. #ZaynGirl please follow me 4/5 on twitter! @LillyMagicMalik_" Zayn knew he'd get in trouble for this but he hated that a so called fan would insult Niall and expect the boys to follow her.

"I'm sorry if I say, I need yo-" Zayn interrupted the verse, " Sorry Lilly Magic but I won't follow you. You are a terrible person. Maybe you should die." Zayn spoke through the microphone. The other boys froze. Louis tried saving the show by continuing the song, Louis and Liam soon caught on and finished the song. The boys started singing "Story of My Life."

During Niall's solo a few girls began booing at him. The fans around them began hitting the girls. And soon a whole five rows of girls were fighting and screaming. The stadium was surprisingly quiet, the only noises were the screams of the rioting fans. The boys stopped singing, in complete shock.

"Stop fighting, girls please!" Liam shouted. The boys tried talking to the girls, only few stopped but others kept at it. It looked like a few were beginning to bleed and scream louder. The security pulled the girls apart.

Niall ran off stage, Zayn and Harry followed after him. Eleanor sat backstage gobsmacked at what had happened on stage.

"Is this a regular thing?" Eleanor asked Harry.

"Don't talk to me, bitch." Harry spat, walking passed her. Eleanor felt hurt, she didn't know what she'd done to cause Harry to dislike her.

Niall sat with Zayn on the couch as he sobbed into Zayn's shirt.

"You too are adorable together." Eleanor commented before standing up and exiting, feeling as if she wasn't welcomed.

"We're sorry but the show is cancelled." Liam announced to the fans.

Louis and Liam walked glumly off stage.

"Can you believe this?" Liam asked nobody in particular.

"That was bad. An ambulance is here to pick up a few girls." Louis gasped.

Niall sobbed louder, feeling nothing but guilt. "This is all my fault. Innocent girls got hurt because of me."

The boys shook their heads hugging Niall.

"Where's Harry?" Louis asked.

"He walked off when the fight started." Eleanor shrugged.

"Sorry you had to see that El." Louis grabbed Eleanor's hand with a soft smile. The boys watched in annoyance. They didn't like this little game Louis was playing, he was only hurting Harry.

"It's fine. At least I got to see you perform." she smiled. Louis hugged her waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Just then, Harry entered the room. He stopped at the sight of them. He felt jealousy and anger boil inside of him but what he felt the most was pure sadness. Unaware of Harry's presence, Eleanor pressed her lips on his. And Louis let her.

I'm disgusted with myself. I just hate Elounor. I ship Larry and Larry only. Not Hendall, not Haylor, and not Elounor. This just helps set into the plot. S-O-R-R-Y.

~weirdo x

Please, Please, Please.


Published: February 13, 2014

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