Chapter 5

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The rest of the day I got called names. 'Orphan Boy' 'Faggot' 'Cocksucker'

Revolting comments were made.

"Ay gay boy why don't you come here and suck my dick?"

"Why don't you kill yourself, your own family left you!"

"Lemme me bang you gay boy!"

"How much do you charge for a blowjob?"

All these disgusting names and comments were made throughout the day. It had come to the point where my ears blocked everything out and all i saw was their mouths moving.

Seungkwan kept hissing and snapping at them, protecting me. Hansol kept threatening them physically, raising his fists with rage. I was in the middle of them, shutting everything down.

It was too intense and unbearable, I can't believe Im a victim of bullying right now, is this really happening?

The bell rang as it was a signal for home time. Seungkwan hugged me on the way to the car.

"Where is Hansol, he's taking too long!" Seungkwan kept checking his phone frantically. I could tell todays drama was stressful on him too.

"You fucking asshole what were you thinking?!" A bunch of guys started arguing. It was Hansol and Mingyu.
Hansol grabbed Mingyu's collar, not even thinking twice.

"Why the fuck are you screaming at me Hansol??" Mingyu yelled, as he whacked Hansol's grip off.

Seungkwan and I watched from the distance, in shock.

"OH YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE! YOU ASKED FOR IT! Hansol balled his fist up and punched Mingyu's face.

My breath hitched to the sight and tears started forming in my eyes. I walked towards them but Seungkwan tugged me not to go.

Mingyu's expression changed into pure anger and he threw a fist back. The impact caused Hansol to back away a little, losing balance.

I forced off Seungkwan's grip and ran towards the boys. I ran up to Hansol who was on the floor, covering his face in pain.

"Hansol are you ok?!" I sobbed. I looked over at Mingyu who was still driven with shock.

"Yeah Im fine, Just tell your brother to fucking get a brain and understand the situation yeah?!" Hansol said as he spit out blood from his mouth.

"Oh Lord! You're bleeding!" Seungkwan from behind crouched down and helped Hansol stand up.

"Oh and before I go, fucking teach this guy a lesson Wonwoo, he doesnt have fucking RESPECT! He deserved that fucking punch!" Hansol and Seungkwan left to the parking lot without looking back.

I looked at Mingyu, who still had rage in his eyes. I felt my eyes tear up even more and my body plopped down on the spot.

"Im sorry's all my fault....."I cried.

"We'll talk at home......"He avoided me and started walking to the car.

"Young master are you ok?" Hyejin's voice approached.

"Yes..yes..I'm fine...." She helped me get up and we walked towards the car.


On our way home, Hyejin had me resting in her arms and Mingyu was in the front seat. I swear I keep seeing him looking at me from the mirror but kept looking away when i caught him.

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