Chapter 9

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We pulled up along a neighbourhood. It was dark and boring until a large house with flashy lights was in sight. We all exited the car. I took a deep breath and slowly started regretting tagging along.

The music could be heard from outside, almost like the house was bouncing.

"Ey! Y'all came along!" The door swung open with music booming in the background. A thin tall boy held a girl in his arm as he greeted us in.

Is that Minghao??

The house looked so boring and bland from the outside, but inside; it was a huge. The living room on the right and kitchen on the left, it was spacious.

As we entered the house, people were snogging and making out. Some were drunk and half naked.

Ew gross...

Why couldn't i be at home, relaxing and reading my books. I could've finished my maths homework and studied for the upcoming tests.

Since Seungkwan insisted, i tagged along. I stood behind Hansol and Seungkwan following them around like a smol puppy. Mingyu left, somewhere into the crowd.

"I'll be with Seungcheol and the boys" The fair skinned boy waved goodbye at me and kissed Seungkwan on the cheek. He was blushing like a freak with a creepy grin.

"Time for socialising!" Seungkwan grabbed my arm and we headed to the kitchen.

"Drink?" He poured himself a glass of some type of alcohol. I've never drank before nor will I be willing to try it.

"No thanks" My face cringed as Seungkwan chugged the whole thing down.

"WOOOOO!~ LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" Seungkwan screamed as he stretched his arms in the air.

Oh no....this isn't good.......

"WONWOOOO~ MY BESTFRIEND, LET'S HAVE FUN TONIGHT!" He put his arm around my shoulder and pranced to the living room.

The music thumped louder and people were dancing, sexually....too sexually...

"Im gon ride, Im gon ride, Im gon ride, I-Im gon ride, on you baby, on you lady, all night, all night~"

I placed myself between two people on the couch. One seemed sober with drink in hand, the other was knocked out.

Wow....been partying to hard buddy?

Shit this is awkward, my fingers started fidgeting.

Seungkwan....Seungkwan, where did you go....

"OH MY GOD! JEONGHAN IS THAT YOU?!" Seungkwan stood in front of the sober guy.

Wait....JEONGHAN?....He cut his HAIR?!

"OMG! SEUNGKWAN!!" The boy jolted up and hugged Seungkwan tightly.

"You haven't changed at all!" Jeonghan squeezed Seungkwan's cheeks.

"Ow! Hyungggg~!" Seungkwan stretched the g out.

"WONWOO LOOK it's JEONGHAN!!!!" Seungkwan finally noticed me. I stood up and hugged our long lost friend.

"YOU CUT YOUR HAIR?!" I yelled over the music.

God damn house parties......

"YEAH! I CUT IT 3 MONTHS AGO~" He responded.

"WOW HYUNG! WE'VE MISSED YOU SO BAD!" I screamed and pulled my two besties into a hug.

Three of us hugged tightly and giggled like high school girls.

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