9 | Beneath Dark Skies

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All I could do was hold her as the trauma rolled through her small body in waves. She screamed and cried, thrashing against my hold as the memories in her mind plagued her. Minutes or hours could've passed, time seemed irrelevant. Even a second of this torment was too long. 

And there was nothing I could do but hold her as she was attacked viciously. Trapped in the memory, alone and dark. 

Someone had hurt this sweet girl, profoundly so. A metallic taste erupted on my tongue, and I released the captivity of my inner cheeks. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as exhaustion overtook her senses and her body finally relaxed. Her breaths were laboured. 

I stroked her sweat-soaked hair, waiting till she came back to me. 

The distress and cry of pain would be the cause of death. Many, many deaths until those who violated her were nothing but decomposable waste. The sight of her mind fracturing into a thousand pieces, would not easily be forgotten.  I caressed a line from her temple down to the corner of her slanted lips. 

My sweet girl. 

I rocked her until she roused and when she did, I felt my entire soul shatter with the emptiness in those deep blue-grey voids. I'd never been a man of affection or emotion, what little of it I had was buried months ago. But for her, with her, I need everything. The anger, the pain, the arousal. All of her. 

She blinked like she couldn't focus, her eyelashes fluttered, and I could see the images she saw behind them trying to pull her back under. Never again, sweet girl, you'll never be alone and unprotected again. 

"Look at me," I said softly, willing my slither of sanity to remain calm when all it craved to do was rage brutal fucking war. 

She released a shaky sigh, burdened with such bitterness my own eyes prickled. Then Vaela did as requested. Except when she gave me herself, there was no warmth, no fire—just cold, dead eyes. "It's burning," she said quietly. 

"What is, baby?" I asked,  barely audible. Afraid that any loud noise would cause her grief.  

A tear fell. "Everything." 

The word left her lips and the pliable woman became erratic. Vaela squirmed until she slipped from my fingers, naked and vulnerable she ran through the house. 

I fell hot on her heels, only to stop when I found her in the shower, icy cold water drowning her tears. She stood under the spray, eyes wide and scared. Her body trembled as the colour left her honey skin. My fist clenched with the need to murder anyone who so much as thought about touching a single perfect strand of hair on my girl. 

Stepping into the shower under the chill with her, I wrapped my arms around her chest and abdomen, hoping it could run off the vile fuckers in her mind. Sinking, I pulled her until she sat in between my spread thighs, "it's okay, they're gone now, you're safe," I cooed. 

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