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Today was the last day of the dare. The final letter. She had wanted to pour all of her bottled up feelings inside this letter, but she thought that it wouldn't be right.

Her shoes made a squeaky sound, leaving water footprints,as she walked down the deserted hallway. Well, it was raining heavily outside.

She finally arrived at her destination. The locker of her first crush. She reached into her bag and grabbed her last letter.

As she was about to open up the locker, she paused. Was that footsteps?

She quickly shoved her letter back into her bag, attempting to hide, when a voice behind her rang out, "Song Mira."

It was the voice of someone she knew so well, yet never talked to before. She turned to face the boy. How did he know her?

The boy walked towards her, slamming his hands beside her head onto the locker,so quickly that she couldn't escape.

She averted her eyes away from the boy's. But her efforts were made futile when the boy bent down to reach her eye level.

"Song Mira...that's you, isn't it? The one sending me letters." A lightning bolt flashed. She flinched, waiting for the sound of thunder that came soon after.

"Ye-yeah." She managed to utter.

The boy backed away and put his hands into his pockets.

"Dummy. Could have just spoke to me, right?" The boy muttered.

"Listen...Carefully," The boy started. "I've observed you ever since you sent me those letters. At first I thought you were just some ordinary girl, just trying to get the attention of a boy," He paused. "But I was wrong. You...truly are different from the other girls that i know of." He gazed at the girl.

"That's why," He said, as another lightning bolt flashed. "I-" His other words inaudible, cut off by the thunder that came.

However, she knew what the boy had just said. Her eyes widened in shock, as she stood rooted to the ground, mouth tightly zipped.

The boy ruffled his hair in frustration."Hey, anonymous. Reply me?"

And the words the came out from the girl's mouth were something that decided their fates, where they lived together in the future.

Just like that, a single dare, a single letter, caused the two to end up together...

•a letter-end•

A/N: oH no it's ended! :o what do you guys think?//

By the way, I'm publishing a ff on Jaemin, our ball of sunshine, since I miss him so so much 😭😭 .

It's title is 'Smiles', but don't expect it to be fluff, kay?? You could read the book to find out ;)

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