Family matters

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Sigh. My grandma's being annoying. Okay, here's the deal: she used to be a Chinese teacher, which is one of the subjects that they teach in my country, so she expects me to get like real high for my Chinese exam, aaannnndddd....

It's not happening. Really, it's not. I mean like, I guess overall my Chinese is okay-ish, but I just passed by 7 and 1/2 marks!!! And now that I've been warned that this year's gonna be a lot harder, I worry for my patience. I hope that when someone scolds me, I lose my patience and I just snap at them. Which will probably get my grounded which is an unpleasant experience...

Anyways, so my grandma was helping me study, then she just happened to see my 默写 (mo xie) results - which, FYI, is something that my teacher gives us, like 12 sentences and expects us to memorize all of them. And then she will give us sentences to match with the 12 sentences - and was like really angry. Cause apparently I got less than 70/100.😒 Seriously? 70/100? At least I didn't fail! And it's technically not my fault I got them wrong! She sprang a surprise on us and apparently two of the sentences that she gave us were not in our 默写 list!!!!!!!! It ain't ma fault lady!

Okay, I know I'm being like, super rude right now and I know I'm ranting and I apologize for spamming you with my family matters. But I sometimes think that this is a place to like kinda let go of all the formalities and seriousness and just have fun!!!🎉🎊🎈🎁

You guys don't mind right?

Kayli, out.

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