Chapter 15

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Chapter 15
Maya's P.O.V

As excited as I was to get the next morning started, it was hard to get myself out of bed, considering I had less than one hour of sleep. Consider it a nap.

My nose draws in a deep breath as my body stretches out as far as it can, a feeling of pleasure running through my body. With the bright sunlight piercing through the thin curtains, I tried my hardest to prop myself out of bed. I turned around, ready to wake Leah up, but saw the space next to me was empty. I sent her a quick text asking where she was.

I was miraculously not hungover despite drinking yesterday night, which I took as a sign of God telling me to have fun and let loose for once. I took down a few aspirins just in case it starts hitting me later on in the day, which I couldn't afford happening. With a full day of traveling ahead, I had to make sure I wasn't in the worst mood possible.

Trying my hardest to get out of bed, I took a shower to wake myself up before dressing quickly. With the keys jingling in my hand, hair still wet from the quick shower, I pulled a baggy sweater and a pair of shorts from my suitcase, tossing it on before heading out the door.

As I reached the ground floor, the loud noise of students chattering filled my ears. The first thing I did was roam my eyes around to find Ethan.

He was standing and leaning across a small table in front of him, his bag, and cap on the floor. Once I made my way to him, he gives me a small kiss on my cheeks.

I guess people still couldn't believe that someone like me could end up with someone so perfect like Ethan. As always, we received a fair amount of attention as we made our way through to a frustrated Ms. Wilson, waiting in the lobby impatiently for the remainder of the students to come down.

"Nice of you to join us," she checked our names off the attendance, "next time, it would be better if you joined us on time."

Ethan ran his hands through his hair. "Sorry, Ms. W, my phone battery died."

She shoots us a disapproving look before nodding.

Just then, Ethan spots his group of friends standing at the corner of the room. He waves his hands to greet them, and to my surprise, they all came over.

His group of friends greeted us almost immediately, exchanging handshakes with each other. Assuming that it was my queue to leave so he could go back to being with his friends, I gathered my things and was about to wheel my suitcase to one side. With a confused look plastered on his face, he asks where I was going.

"Don't you want to talk to your friends?"

"Yeah," he says, "but that doesn't mean you have to leave."

My eyes cut away from his friends and land back to him. "Sorry, I'm just not used to being around your friends." I sighed inwardly.

I was never good when it came to meeting new people, but now that I was with Ethan, I knew there was no way out for me.

"Stay here with me," he whispers in my ears, "they're not as scary as they look."

"I'd like that," I whispered back, chewing the bottom of my lips.

For the first time, I was standing and socializing with the popular kids. Not that it mattered to me, but to everyone else in high school, they were like the epitome of gods. Even now, thinking about Ethan being my boyfriend filled me with excitement.

Leighton decided to join us not long after and greets everyone with a hair flip and a sweet innocent smile but me.

It wasn't like I was expecting her to greet me anyways.

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