The kitten

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                       AFTER SCHOOL

POV: Marenette

"Ok class. Your homework is to read chapters 32 and 33." Our teacher told us. "You are dismissed."

Nino and Alya stood up.

"Finally! School is over!" Alya smiled

"Well, for today.." Nino said

"Well, we only have a few weeks left of school, then it's summertime!" I shouted, jumping really excited

"Yup! Hey, you three want to come over my house today?" Adrien asked

"What about your dad? He can be a real downer.." Nino sighed

"He's out of town! And Natalie just stays In her office all day! If I say we are doing our homework, she probably won't even check on us!" He said, standing up.

I took my things and stood up. I started to walk away, when Adrien grabbed my shoulder. Another blush on his cheeks. 'Man. He's blushing more than me!'

"Mari, you forgot your drawing pad.." He said, handing it to me

'Why don't I feel that nervous around him now... My heart beat is normal, and I don't feel like I'm about to stutter.'

"You ok?" He asked after I wouldn't respond.

"Yes! Thank you!" I said smiling and grabbing my notepad. " so what time will we be coming over?" I asked, placing my book in my bag.

"Um.. How about.. 3:30?" He asked

I looked at my watch that said 1:15

"Sure.. But didn't you have a photoshoot fifteen minutes ago?" I asked him.

His eyes widened

"Crap!" He said, running out the door. " ok, see you guys at 3:30!" He said, racing down the stairs.

Alya turned to me and crossed her arms.

"What happened to you turning into a stuttering mess when he talks to you?!" She asked, sounding concerned.

"I don't know... I just didn't feel nervous anymore.." I sighed, swinging my bag over my shoulders and walking threw the door

"Right... So what were you drawing before class? Adrien seemed to really like it.." Alya smirked, grabbing the top of my bag and pulled out my book.

She opened it and flipped threw the pages. I quickly tried to get it before she got to the last page. I failed and she opened the last page. Her eyes opened in shock.

She held it for Nino to see and they smiled.

"You don't stutter around Adrien any more.. Because you have a new crush!" Alya screamed in my ear

"Tha..that's not why!" I stuttered

"Mhm. Right. Then why is there a picture of Chat Noir then??" She asked, pointing at him.

"I bet he likes you, you are one of the only other people besides ladybug that see's him a lot!" Nino laughed.

"Guys... I don't think.. He likes me... He's just my friend..." I sighed and grabbed my book back. "I don't like him like that.. I was just drawing him. See you later guys.." I said, walking away.

I was walking home, and saw a little black kitten in a box.

"Uh.. Hello little kitten.." I said, picking it up.

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