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  • Dedicated to Everyone Reading This Story ❤️

'What?' I whispered, freezing. 'What?' I seemed incapable of speaking anything else.

'What did you say?'

'You heard me,' smirked the man, who introduced himself as a 'Representative of Modest! Management.' 'You two are breaking up, and that's the end of story. Your public interactions are attracting more and more attention, and the fans are catching up. So, we have decided it would be best if Mr. Styles and Mr. Tomlinson split up.'

I heard Harry's breath hitch beside me. I couldn't even believe that this was happening to me. To us.

'Oh, and also. Mr. Tomlinson will continue to date Miss Calder,' He contineud, the smugness clearly etched in his face. 'For you, Mr.Styles, more steps must be taken, and we've decided that you can either get a permenant girl-friend or you can continue to keep up your 'womanizer' image.'

'So, that's it. I guess I should leave. Hope you have a nice day.' With that, he turned around and disappered through the door. Hope you have a nice day?? How dare he, he just broke us up. Fucking tosser.

'Lou?' The tone Harry was using pierced through me, it was heart-breaking.

'Haz, I'm soo sorry, I didn't think they would dare do this, to actually break us up; I know, I'm such a bad boyfriend, probably the worst on the planet, I understand if you hate me, it's completely fair-'

Harry suddenly slinging his arms around me and collapsing into my chest shut me up, I was shocked by the gesture. I circled my arms around his waist sub-consciously and widened my eyes hearing him sobbing.

I started rubbing soothing circles into his back, mumbling incoherent words into his ear.

' Lou, they promised they won't break us off. They promised!' Harry's now expression was wild, he was shaking, trembling.

'Haz, baby, listen. Listen, I know-Haz!' He's not listening.Without knowing what to do, I cupped his cheeks and kissed him more passionately than I ever had before.

The kiss was sloppy and quite messy, given that the both of us crying. I could feel the feel of his long eyelashes on my cheeks fluttering frequently, suggesting that he was trying to blink away the tears.

He broke away, and ran out of the room before whispering 'I love you' leaving me in the worst mess ever.


Um, so this is my first ever attempt at a fic, so 'vommenting' (comment/vote) would be appreciated.

I'm still 13, so please don't be hard on me. And English isn't my native language either.

If you want me to continue, tell me in the comments.

-S xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2015 ⏰

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