Dreamland Adventure

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Update: Fixed some grammar errors.

''Alright then.....'' Lola said awkwardly. Has she gone completely mad? If she now starts to tell me that i'm some kind of weird mythological creature i'm going to scream. Lola thought. Disbelieve could be seen in her eyes, and her aunt noticed.

''Oh come now, child. You know, every legend starts from some truth, but it gets twisted and turned every time it's told. So i can't prove that the whole story is truth or just another wrongly told story.'' Hannah confessed. ''But, maybe you should ask Uniron?'' Lola's heart skipped a beat after she heard that name. How does she know about the unicorn? Or his name? Or that i had a dream of him? Lola thought.

''Ehh......'' Lola tried to speak, but could not get any words out. At that moment she could hear the front door opening. Mother and father where home. ''Mother and father are back.'' Lola quickly muttered as she ran out of the door and ran trough the hallways to the front door. But she came to a stop once she heard mother and father scream at each other. Curses and very bad words echoed trough the house. ''No.....Not again...'' Lola said with tears running down her face.

She stood there for what seemed like hours before she decided to go a bit closer to hear what they where fighting about this time. As she got closer the screams became clearer. ''Why do you never listen to me? I have a saying in this too, you know!'' Lola heard mother scream. ''I am the man of the house! So my word is what goes! And you HAD to embarrass me in front of the f*cking queen!'' Father replied in the loudest voice he could make. ''Oh shut up! You want to know something? I only married you because my parents forced me to! If i had a choice, i would have married a rat instead!'' Mother shouted at father. ''You!......You f*ching b*tch!'' Lola could hear father running up to mother, and mother was screaming. He is going to hit her! She thought. Lola could not handle it anymore and ran into the room. ''Stop! Stop it! Both of you!'' She screamed with desperation and sadness in her voice. Her parents stopped in their tracks and looked shocked at their daughter. Lola could not bear their faces anymore and ran to her room and let herself fall onto her bed. She cried and screamed.

Hours later, when the sun had gone down, Lola climbed out of bed and walked to the bedroom window. When she looked at the stars she quietly whispered. ''Uniron....If you're there....I wish for you to take me to that place you brought me days ago. Please...'' Tears ran down her face again as she stared to the hill where she saw the unicorn for the first time. Hours passed and nothing appeared on the hill. Lola looked to her sister's bed, empty.......''Wait, what!'' Lola said shocked as she realized that her sister wasn't in bed. immediately, she was filled with anxiety and fear. Until suddenly, she had a feeling of protection and trust fall upon her. She immediately looked out her window. Still nothing. She lay down on her bed, and closed her eyes.

Lola was awoken by the sound of waves and the smell of salt water. She opened her eyes. She stood there in awe as she awoke to the scenery of a vast ocean. ''This is not the Black Rose...'' Lola spoke. The night sky was filled with the same beautiful stars as before, the same two moons reigning the skies in their bright lights.

''You have a good memory, my child.'' A warm voice answered Lola.

''Uniron! You heard my plea.'' Lola said with happiness and relief in her voice. ''I thought you abandoned me...''

''My child, i would never abandon you.'' Uniron got closer and gave Lola a hug. Only now did Lola realize that she was in her weird horse-fish hybrid form again. ''What am i?'' Lola asked.

''You, my child, are a Maiden of the Sea. You and your sister, of course. The purest form of true beauty. The sliver lining in these oceans. This ocean is called the Ailania. These oceans are the house of every pure form that resides in these worlds waters.'' Uniron answered. ''Your sister, Lisa, has yet to awake her Maiden form. But you can help her. There she is.'' Uniron pointed to the shore where Lisa lay unconscious.

Lola swam to her and climbed on the shore. The sand was dry and uncomfortable on her wet and scaly skin. ''Fiddlesticks! I still need to get used to these hooves and this fishtail.'' Lola exclaimed as she fell when she tried to walk. She dragged herself to her sister's unconscious body. ''Hey! Sis! Wake up sleepyhead!'' Lola screamed in her sister's ears. She dragged herself to the ocean water and filled her mouth with salty water. Holy dog this tastes terrible! Lola thought as she immediately regretted getting the salty water in her mouth. She dragged herself to her sister again and spit the salty water on her face. ''Wake up lazy face! Or i will kick you to a whole other world!''

''Ok! I'm awake! You don't have to drop water on me!'' Lisa got up '' Ok, what..do......you.......Wow...'' Lisa stood there with wide eyes as she saw where she was. ''Where are we....Where is this? What are you?!'' Lisa screamed as she saw her sister. ''And who are you!'' Lisa quickly added as she saw Uniron.

''This is a secret place this unicorn brought me to. He says it's a magical dream world or something like that. And i am what he calls a Maiden of the Sea, or something.'' Lola explained.

''I have to correct you, my dear.'' Uniron said as he bowed his head slightly ''This place is as real as your realm is. This place has been birthed from the dying wish of a god. But i will tell you that story once this one has been told. I am Uniron, the second-most-powerful god in these lands called Lamiria. But i score a first on the beauty scale! You, Lisa my dear, are also a Pure Maiden. You just haven't awoken yet. Allow me to help you.'' Uniron said as his golden horn began to glow again. The glow slowly moved to Lisa and embraced her. When the glow finally died down, Lisa had transformed into a horse hybrid. But she had a brownish red colour with different shades on different scales. Her crystal in her chest was a rosy red colour that glowed with every word she spoke.

''Wait, what?'' Lisa muttered with a confused look on her face.

''You both have awoken now. But sadly, time has grown short once again. I must return you two to your own reality. May we meet again.'' Uniron said before everything started to go black again and Lola felt like she was falling again. She awoke in her bed. She forgot to change in her nightgown and her dress was all folded and full of....''Water!...'' Lola realized. ''So these are indeed no dreams.''  

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