Not What He Seems

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Otto wandered away from the building, even more suspicious. It seemed almost like magic when Will appeared, walking towards him at a fast pace. Well, maybe it was. Otto slowed to an awkward halt at which point Will reached him and put his arm on Otto's shoulder. "Hey buddy, I see you found the containment building." He said, with a grin. Otto became worried as to what that meant. "What do you mean?" Otto replied. "Oh, heh, I haven't told you much, have I? This school isn't what you think. But, don't tell anybody... 'They' might find out." " 'They'??" Otto asked in confusion. "Yep, they. Anyway, the building is meant to contain a secret project the school is working on. Now, aren't you feeling a little more curious?" Otto thought for a moment, as he did want to know what was in there. What could it possibly be that they need to hide it so bad? And why in a magic school, of all places? "Otto, listen to me. We need to get in there and stop it. Whatever it is, it can't be good. I've got some information on this place and there's a lot they don't want the students to know. How about we find out?" Will grinned, but it looked a bit off... Otto couldn't figure out what. "Well, maybe... I-I do--" Otto was interrupted by Will. "I know you don't like secrets so let's get right to it. You can't help but know the truth..." Otto felt uncomfortable, knowing that Will might be very manipulative. But it was working. He sighed in defeat. "Fine, I'll help you." Will managed to grin even more and lead him away to a small garden on the school grounds. 

It was close to the building and not as well kept as the others, but it wasn't entirely horrible. Will forced Otto onto the old, marble bench and paced a bit, explaining to Otto. "Tomorrow is our first day of classes, but we can't go. It'll help the project, and that's the opposite of our goal. We have to act today and in any breaks we have. When you go to the classes, be sure to appear weak and don't use your power too much." Otto was mildly confused. "What do you mean? What if I get in trouble because they can tell that I'm more powerful? How does this work anyway? How do you even know all this, Will? I need to know more!" "Ah, of course you do. You have a very curious mind. To answer your questions, you have to appear weak because they can measure how much power you have, but not how much you can use so you can pretend to be weak and they'll only think you have to discover your power. And, the reason I know all this... Well, did you forget I have mind reading? It's more than that, though." Otto became worried, not liking the thought of having to lie and get caught up in this business. He was curious and all, but he didn't like trouble. "Otto, just listen to me. It'll be worse if you follow their rules and comply. Just go with the plan tomorrow and everything will be fine." Otto wasn't sure how to feel. "I'll be seeing you tomorrow, here, after lessons." Will walked in a random direction, leaving. 

Otto got up, nervous. He just decided to walk back to his dorm. On the way, he saw Misha and her friends. "Otto! There you are, we were just talking about you!" That made him nervous. What could they possibly be saying? "Anastasia was just talking about how she likes your bright blue hair." The girl named Anastasia mildly blushed. She looked pleasant with a pale complexion and very nice grey-brown hair. "Jenny said she thought your magic combination was cool." Jenny gave a happy thumbs-up, smiling. She had dark skin with freckles and well-kept frizzy dark hair. "Alice and Charlotte liked your style." They both had similar skin tones, being somewhere between olive and pale. They both had dirty blonde hair, Charlotte's being more brown. Otto nervously laughed, uneasy. Getting compliments felt awkward because he didn't entirely know how to reply. "Err, thanks?" He said. They noticed he was getting uneasy so they let him be. As they walked away, they continued to chatter and Otto went to the dormitory. He got back to his room, ignoring most people. He got some paper and took out his pencil from before, deciding to jot down notes of what happened today and what he thought so far, just in case he went missing or something... After all, that was something to worry about when he was planning to find out about the "containment building".

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