Many Greetings

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Dean looked around, looking somewhat shocked still. He went to the supplies and started digging through them, Otto just watching in confusion. Levin watched in some confusion but also mild fear. Dean pulled out a small book that appeared to have pages falling out and apart. He looked through the pages in a hurry, taking one page out of the book and walking to Otto. "Is this what she looked like?" He asked, showing Otto an accurate drawing of what he remembered Lilith to look like. "Yeah, that's it." He replied. Lilith was a woman with a calm look, long hair and bull horns coming from her head and a cow tail from her waist. The drawing included some electricity around her. Otto clearly remembered that she had electric abilities. "Otto, do you realize how dangerous it was for you to go to the Rose Wilde Academy? You're the exact kind of kid they want there! You have powerful magic, a lot of history with magic, and you don't even know it. You were lucky you missed the first day and got kidnapped." Dean said. Otto didn't feel all too lucky. 

"Levin, when will the others return? We need to talk." He asked, Levin thinking for a moment. "Less than an hour." Dean nodded and sat down near Otto, still curious. "So, what's your real name?" Dean asked. "What? What do you mean? Otto is my real name!" "Hmm, I'm not sure about that since your father would refer to you as 'Otto' but told me that's not what he named you. What is your real name?" Dean asked. "Well, maybe you mean Louis, but..." Otto said. "Hmm, I see." Dean replied. "Well, stay here for a little while. The rest of the team should be back in?..." Dean looked at Levin, expecting him to finish. "About 40 minutes." Levin ended the sentence. "And that'll be when you meet them." Dean added. Otto nodded his head, wondering what they'd do till then. They talked and talked, Dean learning more about Otto and his past, nodding along while Levin sorted stuff, watching from the corner of his eye. 

Eventually, 20 minutes passed and there was a knock on the doors. Levin got up and walked to the doors, opening them. There was suddenly a cold breeze inside the room and a bit of frost crawled along the floor, a woman with black and white hair walking in. Her face was covered with ice, which seemed to slightly go onto her neck. Her face was blurred but she appeared to have a serious expression. The ice had dark, cold vapour flowing off it, as the ice appeared to always be fresh. "Who's this?" She said, gesturing towards Otto. "He's someone who can possibly help us. He has a lot of connections with magic, but mostly people connections." Levin explained, the woman watching Otto. Otto guessed she might not like visitors. "So, Otto, this is Glacia." Levin said, mildly nervous. "Hmph." She then swooped her jacket, which was long and unbuttoned, so it swooped like a cape. She had quite fancy clothing in general. She walked off to the supplies, quietly taking a bag and doing some work that Otto didn't understand. It was generally colder in the cave so everyone but Glacia remained closer to the fire. 

After another five minutes, there was an odd noise at the door and a dark figure walked through the wood itself, having a white mask. It made a few more noises that sounded like chirps, shapes appearing on the mask and moving around. They all watched it, calm, except for Otto who was worried, unsure of what this creature was. It made more noise for another minute and then reversed its entrance, leaving. "What was that?" Otto asked, and Dean chuckled. "Oh, that was just a spirit from Enid. She's friends with them and they don't mind helping her, since she's a spirit charmer." Otto listened, it sounding interesting. He didn't know spirits could be charmed. "She sent the spirit to tell us that she was going to come late, since she was busy. Probably messing with people again, since she loves to do that..." Dean spoke in mild annoyance near the end, as if he had experience with being bothered. Levin giggled quietly and Dean sent a glare at him, Levin instantly stopping with a worried look. "Anyway, we have two other members decides her who haven't come yet, but they should be back soon." Dean explained. They sat quietly for a little while, Glacia appearing to be working on some jewelry of orange, red, white and blue jewels and black wire. Otto watched curiously as she worked with tools and material, generally quiet. 

After a little while, someone barged in all of a sudden. "I certainly hope I'm not late, am I?" A voice said with great power and enthusiasm, seeming as if they were nearly singing the words. A pale man with dark hair, dark red eyes and dressed in somewhat odd looking clothes, which were also black or red. He appeared to be part bird but as he walked in, it faded away. "Oh, looks like we have a visitor!" He said, grinning. He walked over to Otto and bowed dramatically, as if he knew he was a guest. "My name is Victor, and you are?" He asked Otto as Dean rolled his eyes, looking mildly annoyed. "Otto. I'm here to... help?" Otto somewhat wondered why Victor was being kinder to him than the others at first meeting. "What an odd-o name." He grinned, winking. Dean groaned quietly, face palming. "Oh, c'mon Dean, you know it was funny!" Levin looked at Victor with a dead, serious look. "No." "Yeesh, alright then. Didn't have to be so mean about it." Victor said, seeming somewhat offended. 

"So, hey, where are Enid and Mia?" He asked. "Enid is coming late and Mia... Well, I don't--" Dean was interrupted by knocking on the door and a female voice, which was muffled through the door. "Can someone open the door?" It said. Victor was already standing so he walked to the door and opened it. There was a clatter of hooves on the floor and a woman who appeared to be more of some sort of animal than a human. She had a body like a furry deer with a long neck, large ears and tiny, little stubs for horns on her head. She had a human face rather than animal and it had olive green eyes and freckles, with some short brown hair. Her fur was also brown, fading from light to dark, top to bottom. "Thank you." She said, flicking her ears. She saw Otto, quiet and looking mildly nervous. She appeared to be shyer than the others, not speaking to Otto at all. "This is Mia, and Mia, this is Otto." Victor introduced them. She nodded and gave a slight smile before also walking to the supplies, dropping a bag she was carrying. She then rested by the wall, watching Otto when he wasn't looking. Odd one, thought Otto. "Mia, where's Enid?" Dean asked. "Oh, she went to the village... She said she had 'important business'." She said, as if they all knew what she meant. Dean sighed in irritation. "Of course, just as I thought. I wish those spirits could knock some sense into her..." Dean said. They then quietly sat for another while.

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