You Can Glady Kiss My Ass

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Finally you'll reached the view goal but it's a damn shame it took so long

Oh well I'm not gonna demand views this time

This chapter will be short

That's all


" More like telling you but you can call it what you want, let's go and don't make me ask you twice " Professor Lynndell said.

This bitch is really off her nut

" BITCH WHO THE FUCK IS YOU TALKING TO, You Can Glady Kiss My Ass " Kaicrye yelled then said sitting her phone down on the table and finally held up her bat.

Professor Lynndell took one step forward and that scared the shit out of Kaicrye

Kaicrye swung on Professor Lynndell so bad she made her body glide over the railing of the balcony and it went plunging down landing in the grass

Once Professor Lynndell landed she was unconcious and blood was coming from her head and being smudged in the grass

It's not that bad where blood was spilling, no, just smudging

Kaicrye tossed the bat inside the open glass balcony door and it landed inside the bedroom landing on the carpeted flood

Then Kaicrye picked up her cellphone
Kaicrye: " KD baby you there? "

Then Kaicrye picked up her cellphone Kaicrye: " KD baby you there? "

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Khadarius: " Yeah, what did you do to her? "

Kaicrye: " She scared the shit outta' me, I thought she was trying to attack me, she stepped forward and I don't know I swung on her and she went plunging down and she landed in the grass, I'm looking at her now "

Khadarius: " Call the police and make sure her body and the blood is gone before Star and Jillian come home from school but baby I got to go, Kellen ready to go and so is David, they rushin' me, I love you and I'll see you in a couple of days, kiss Dakairye, Jillian, and Star for me "

Kaicrye: " I love you too "

They hung up at the same time and Kaicrye walked away with her cellphone to call the police


Kaicrye pulled up in her white range rover at Jillian middle school

Star was sitting in the back seat eating ice cream from Dairy Queen and Dakairye was sleeping in the car seat next to her

" Star be careful, don't get no ice cream on your little sister " Kaicrye said.

" I'm not mommy " Star said.

" You're too close to her face " Kaicrye said.

" Oh'...thank you " Star said scooting herself over a little bit and kids was finally coming out from the middle school, Jillian came out skipping to the car instead of walking and she hot in the front seat, closed the door behind her then put on her seat belt.

Kaicrye noticed her oldest daughter was blushing the whole time

Kaicrye was able to get out the car line and pulled off towards their house

" So how was your day " Kaicrye asked?

" It was the bom' diggidy' bom', I got a boyfriend " Jillian said.

" Oh' and who is this boyfriend of yours " Kaicrye said.

" Just a boy that I met over instagram and turns out he goes to my school, we have a lot in common and we the same age, he said he always had a crush on me so I said why not go out and take things slow " Jillian said.

" That sounds nice in all but are you sure this boy likes you for you and not what's in between your thighs " Kaicrye asked?

" Yes I'm sure " Jillian said.

" What's in between her thighs mommy " Star asked?

" Sonething you not gonna find out fully about until your 12, put in your headphones and eat your ice cream, you're too young to be listening to this " Kaicrye said.

Star did what she was told

" Now Jillian, you're a girl and I get you like boys, I get it, we all been there but me and you're dad don't want you dating until you're 16 " Kaicrye said.

" But mom I really like him " Jillian said.

" I know but you're not supposed to be dating, I'm not saying you'll have to stop being around each other and stop talking to each other, I'm saying you are not allowed to date yet, I'm trying to be nice about it, I'm not gonna' tell you're dad, break up with him before the week is out or I will tell your dad about this " Kaicrye said stopping at a red light.

" If I have to break up with him then I'm gonna' go out with my stud best friend, I'm tired of you trying to control my life, you're not my mom " Jillian nearly yelled rolling her eyes and WHACK.

Kaicrye just slapped the shit outta' Jillian and now her cheek is turning red

To be continued

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