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The dorm room is empty tonight because Harry went out somewhere with Louis. They said it was just a guy thing, but Liam didn't pay much attention.

It's the second night after that heartbreaking night and Liam still leaves the door open just a crack, just in case she comes in.

His fingers run on the braille words that happen to be the words from a novel that he is supposed to read for his literature class.

He doesn't remember falling asleep while reading, but the sound of the door opening wakes him up. Must be Harry, he thinks and closes his eyes again before shifting a little on his bed to sleep again.

His bed dips softly and his eyes flutter open.

He knows the scent. He knows the warmth. And when anothe hand takes his hand that lay on his chest, he knows the touch. She entwines their fingers this time and looks at him.

His eyes are blank but moving frantically in the dark, trying to catch a glimpse of the moonlight or anything. But they don't. They can't.

Her fingers run through his soft hair, remembering the way he ran his fingers through her hair, in an attempt to tell him what this is all about. She doesn't speak before leaning her head towards him and stopping right where his lips are.

His eyes flutter close at the almost feather like touch of her lips before they start to speak.

"Could we ever be enough?" She says. And it doesn't take a genius to know what to do next.

So he leans up and captures heaven between his lips, moulding perfectly and embracing all her insecurities with all the imperfections he has. His hand grabs the back of her head gently to give her a longing kiss. They've marked the start line, not caring about the end.

"Baby we could be enough." Liam says once they pull apart, breathing heavily.

She can change for him. All this time she didn't have a reason but now she does. And it's the most beautiful reason ever.

When their eyes are shut and their foreheads touch each others, they know that the ink may lack here and there, they may even run out of a few sentences sometimes, or that there won't be enough pens and pages to fill their stories in, but there will never come a time where they would give up on the one page.

And it will only complete when they're with each other. Because teamwork is how they came so far anyways.

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