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Swinging on a makeshift hammock is never as fun as it seems. Especially for Harley, she was locked up in a cell at the Compound. Just when she thought an apocalypse was the perfect chance to get her off the hook, she was back to square one. Nasty flashbacks of her time working in Arkham filled her mind and Harleen would occasionally throw in an insult for good measure.

Loud knocks on the heavy door echoed through the quiet room before it swung open as evil himself walked into the room towards the cell. Harley dropped from the hammock and sat on the floor cross-legged. "Well that ain't nice, the polite thing to do is wait until someone says come in, instead of waltzing in here. I coulda' been naked ya know!" She called out, stretching her neck in an attempt to see him in the dark shadows.

A low chuckle escaped Negan's throat as he placed Lucille upright against the wall by the metal door. He made his way over to the girl in the cell. "I don't think we've properly introduced ourselves to each other Pumpkin. I'm Negan." He grinned showing off his perfect white teeth.

"Harley Quinn, nice to meet'cha!" She smiled back widely.

"So you do have a name other than Pumpkin? Well, now that that's over with, we can talk-"

"But we're already talkin'." Harley interrupted, pointing at him with a raised eyebrow.

Negan shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose with a strained smile. "You killed three of my strongest men, Princess. Shit like that doesn't sit easy with me."

"I figured. Ya seem like the type of guy who holds grudges, even with the world ending." Harley shrugged, drumming her fingers against her bat. It was stupid that Dwight let her keep it in the cell. It had gone unnoticed by Negan until just now.

"Well hot diggity dog!" He whistled as he eyed the baseball bat and held out his hand. Harley frowned and hugged the bat to her chest.

"Listen closely, I'm only gonna say this once. You, belong to me now. That bat you're holding, belongs to me. Everything you think you own, belongs to me." His voice raised with every sentence, trying to get the point across.

"Well, I'd like to say that's great. But there's somethin' ya need to know about me sir, I do what I want." Harley tutted.

"Give me that fucking bat, Pumpkin." He insisted, making the grabby hand gesture. Harley huffed through her nose and pouted, reluctantly handing over her beloved weapon.

Negan took the baseball bat from her, to the outside of the cell. He held it with respect as he turned it in his free hand. "Look at this! Goddamn you just get better and better." He read the poem that wrapped around the bat, and let out a throaty chuckle. "Goodnight." He read, eyebrows raised. As he looked down at Harley, there was a new glint in his usually menacing eyes. She was getting more and more interesting by the second. He strolled over to where Lucille was placed. "Goodnight, meet Lucille." He introduced and turned back to Harley. "It's not every day Lucille gets to make a new friend." He raised Lucille again for a moment, before placing them both down against the wall. She almost envied his barb wired bat.

"That's mine! I want it back!" Harley whined, giving her best puppy eyed look, it was almost convincing.

"No can do, Pumpkin. Remember what I said. I don't like repeating myself. Plus who knows what crazy shit you'll do if I let you loose with that bat." Negan had a point, Harley was known to be quite unpredictable.

"Can't argue with that sir." She giggled mischievously.

"You're starting to dig yourself into your own grave, darlin'. I just don't know what to do with you, killing my men all on your own, stealing from us. You've been here for two fucking days, you've already escaped more than once and there's still one guy out there on the loose who we gotta catch."  He was almost seething.

"And who might that be?" Harley raised her eyebrows.

"Oh I think you know, Pumpkin. You see we weren't blind to your actions, your partner in crime is still out there possibly killing more of us. We can't have that now can we?" Negan spoke darkly.

His words caused Harley to burst into a fit of crazy giggles. "Oh, you mean Mistah J, I lost him! You're so screwed if he's out there lookin' for me."

Negan chuckled darkly along with her. "I very much doubt that, there's a lot I can do. You happen to know where he is?" 

"If I knew where he was, he wouldn't be lost would he?" Harley's laughter ceased, realisation hitting her again.

"Where. Is. He?" Negan paused after each word, wanting to crack the crazy woman. 

"He's just, gone." Her eyes were downcast, grief flooding her body as her perkiness diminished. 

Their talk was soon interrupted by Simon poking his head around the door to the cell room. "Boss, we gotta problem."

Negan turned to Simon, nodding his head. He picked up Lucille, leaving Goodnight and looked back at Harley. "Remember, I can do a lot of shit. I'm your worst nightmare." He grinned before turning to leave.

Before he left the room, Harley called out to him. "That's so cute! You think you're scary. Well Mistah, I've seen scary and you ain't got his smile." 

* * *

Hi there! If you're reading this that means you've read the first chapter! Hopefully lmao. I've not really got a "schedule" for uploading the chapters, I'll try to get one up at least once a week, if not, sorry you'll have to be patient. But yeah, thanks so much for reading. Let me know what you think of this story so far! :3

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