“Hey are we there yet Dad?” I said, “We are kind of there but we are all most out of gas.” Well as we all sat there waiting for the road to stop or turn or something, but it seemed like never had a end, like a never ending railroad track going around in circles seeing the same stuff over and over. There was a animal on the side of the road, it was like the only animal that I have ever seen it are long trip so far on a car ride, it was a snake. As my Dad looked at the map to find the way to Arizona he didn’t keep an eye on the road he thought that the road went straight and there was a couple turns but I had to correct him with it because she almost crashed so I was actually scared to go on this trip. It was about mid-night and it was beautiful because the stars in the sky shined so much brighter than the ones back home.
When my dad was the one driving it was scary even more than it was because he kept saying .. “Well this car is pretty old I dont even think it could make it all the way,but I’m pushing it.” each time he said that the more shaky and the more scared I got that I almost before we left just jump out of the car before he gets out of our road and just run for my life. Well my friend, Amber ,was with me and surprising shewas already was asleep right when we got too the first light from are street which was like two minutes away, I just can’t believe it, I could never do that. The more I looked into the night sky I just kept thinking what could happen with my life later and what could happen to us right now, right when I was thinking and almost asleep, I got interupted by a fast turn and a bumping fall, and screaming thats the only thing I could remember. I looked up and all around I was in the desert and rocks from a quick glance I looked at Amber and everyone was screaming and had blood on their faces and my dad was just moving all over like a rag doll, I couldn’t see nothing else then, everything went black.
I felt someone hitting me, I woke up and my body and my head ached terribly, I tried to stand up but something got in my eye and I rubbed my eye too try too get it out then I realized it was a liquid, I feared what it was and I seen on my hand there was blood, blood all over and I started to cry, harder, my friend was gasping for air, I ran, tripped, too help. I limped and ran it hurt, and I felt hideous inside my soul, I couldn’t see anything because everything was blurry from my dripping tears. As Ambergot up I limped as fast as I could too the car and I stopped and looked up, I just busted into uncontrollable tears. I forgot all about my baby sister because she was so quiet on the trip, until now. I remember her because she was, dead, I could see this with my own eyes, my dad crushed her to her early death I guess whatever happened when we crashed.
As I cried and sat there in the cold night, I thought where was I? I was hungry, tired, scared, helpless, by the time I just sat here for a hour or two I realized that I was helpless without anyone else, my friend just sat here with me, we just sat in pain and suffering and choking from all of these tears. When it seemed like years from then I decided we need to do something and look at the situation that we were in, right then I heard a plane, or a motor powered I just sat there thinking and I just thought of it that it was a car! I just started to yell, in aging and pain I just sat and yelled, with all my energy and everything left. I heard the car come to the right and stop, I just thought “THANK GOD, THANKYOU FOR ALL THAT YOU HAVE DONE!”
I couldn’t believe that this happened, I never thought this day would come, I always thought, and thought. I screamed and cried, it was like i scream with my cry, I never felt so terrified, and guilty in my life, this feels like all my fault I didn’t watch his drive, I was stupid to try fall asleep. I felt like I should just kill myself I had nothing to do, I basically just killed my family. I am just worthless too the world. I will never forget about this but I need move on from, face the fact and make this too safety. As I stood on one leg and leaning against a rock I waved my arm yelling “ HELP!!!! DOWN HERE!!” I looked around catching my breath and we were in a deep trench. I was guessing we fell, as I yelled for our lives. As we were screaming I seen something move up there, I think the person up there was looking down and then I heard a males voice, but I couldn’t understand anything they were saying.