Chapter One

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Anastasia :

I scowl at myself in the mirror , why must my hair be so stupid! I'm fixing to start my job as assistant to Seattle's most respected business man and I look like a pile of sleepy trash. I glance at the clock , 6:30 am - good I still have time. Frantically I find my hair straightener and begin the time eating task of straightening my mane. Fifteen minutes later I'm done , I breathe a sigh of relief and quickly rummage through my closet in search of something to wear. I decide on a grey pencil skirt and my silk pale pink blouse , leave the fist two buttons undone - hopefully this is appropriate. After applying mascara and some lip-gloss , I'm ready .

Kate , my best friend and roommate is already up feeding Phoebe her breakfast. Kate whistles when she sees me "Damn hot mama , Mr. Grey will be wetting his pants!" I blush and wave her off "Oh stop , good morning my princess." I place a kiss on top of her chestnut curls , she squeals happily at me "Mamamama," She repeats putting more mushed banana in her mouth , I grin at her and sigh . "What time will you be off?" Kate asks sipping her cup of coffee , I shrug "By five but with traffic," I trail off , Kate nods her head knowingly "No problem sis , Phoebe and I are going to be perfect." Phoebe squeals excitedly and reaches for me "Mama , mmmm. Mama mmm." Her little chubby hands reach for me , she wants to nurse. I grimace at my dirty baby girl , Kate is already up and getting her a bottle "I'll feed her a bottle." Kate states pulling out my pumped milk from the fridge , Phoebe pouts out her bottom lip "Mama ,mmm!" She exclaims , I take a deep breath and look at the clock - I have twenty minutes before I need to leave. "Let me feed her , I'll be uncomfortable if I don't," Quickly I wipe Phoebes messy hands and face then pick her up from the highchair , making quick work of my blouse and bra - Phoebe has no trouble finding her goal . I kiss her fine baby curls , she grins up at me.

Nursing Phoebe lasted a little longer than I expected , now I'm running late. Shit! Thankfully I don't too far from work.

I find a parking spot quickly and sprint to the door. The inside is stark and modern , people dressed in expensive business clothes rush by me. I've never felt so out of place. I find the elevators and press the 60th floor , my heart is pounding and my stomach is in a knot. Please let my boss be decent , I need this money.

The elevator comes to a smooth stop and the doors ping open. I notice how lavish this floor is furnished - a cream sectional is positioned along the huge glass wall , looking over Seattle. Modern art pieces hang on the walls , it even smells fancy . Like high-end leather . I'm even more intimidated. "Miss . Steele?" An impeccably dressed blonde walks in my direction , her hair is up in a French twist. Jeez , she's stunning. "Yes , that is me." I murmur , she smiles politely and takes in my attire , her face falls. Oh no! "I am Andrea , I'll be helping you along today." I nod , Andrea purses her lips "Just a little information , Mr. Grey - requires all of his staff to be dressed in black pencil skirts and white blouses . You'll be fine for today but tomorrow come dressed according to code." I blanch and awkwardly shift from foot to foot , I should have asked! Andrea smiles "Let's get started , follow me."

Andrea tells me the run down of Grey Enterprises , I listen closely . "Mr. Grey will except an expresso - black with one spoon of sugar . The coffee machine is here." We walks into a spacious kitchen area , there are donuts , bagels and every kind of muffin. My stomach rumbles. Andrea looks at me "Staff isn't allowed to have these pastries , only Mr. Grey's people will eat these . Also provide him with a banana nut muffin in the morning." Jeez , I nod mutely. Next stop is my desk , it is huge - the cherry wood desk is facing the view of Seattle . I have a phone , printer and a fancy desk top computer . "You know how to use the latest windows software right?" Andrea asks tentivately , I nod "Yes, I'm very familiar with it." She smiles her tight smile , "Great , Mr. Grey should be here. I'll introduce you now." And suddenly I feel unbearably nausea , here goes nothing.

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