Chapter Two

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Ana :

Three days pass of me working for Christian Grey , everything seems to be going well. I still haven't had the balls to ask him about Phoebe joining us to New York , but I need to.

Today I have the day off , Christian had some family matters to attend to so he gave me the day off.
Phoebe jabbers away through the baby monitor waking me "Mama up, mama mmm!" I laugh at her little voice telling me she's up and wants to nurse. My sweet baby girl.

I cuddle up back in bed with Phoebe, who is contently nursing at my breast. Her chubby little hand gently plays with my hair , my phone buzzes from bedside me - it's my mom. "Hello?" Phoebe looks up at the sound of my voice "Hi honey , I was calling to see how work was going?" I shrug "Good , it's a lot of work but I'm managing." I add for honesty sake , Phoebe pulls away from my breast and pulls down the other side of my shirt , wanting to nurse my other breast. I help her latch "Oh I'm so glad , how is Phoebe?" I smile , my mom adores her granddaughter "Great , she is nursing right now." "You're still breastfeeding?" And here comes her butting into my business. "Yes?" I answer , rolling my eyes. My mom is quiet for a moment "I didn't realize you still were." "She isn't even a year yet Mom." I remind her , Phoebe yawns around my nipple then happily continues eating. When will I give up this? I'm not sure I want to. I shake off my thoughts "Anyways , what are you up to today?" My mom loves to talk about herself and with that she is chatting about her life.

Once I bathed Phoebe and myself then dressed us both , we are out the door ready for the day. Our first stop is a small intimate breakfast spot , I love their pancakes.
"Do you need a high chair ma'am?" The hostess asks me , I nod "Yes please," Phoebe is in my arms chatting to herself "Mama , nana!" She exclaims animatedly , she wants bananas "Okay I'll get you nana's" Phoebe grins and claps. Could she be any cuter?

We are seated in a cozy booth to the back , I place  Phoebe in the high chair and pull her to sit right next to me. The waiter comes by instantly "I'm Seth , can I start you off with coffee or tea?" "Can I have a decaf latte?" He nods and writes it down on his notepad, Phoebe squeals "Nana!" I laugh "Do you have sliced bananas?" Seth chuckles at Phoebe and nods "We do," "I'll have some of them," With that he is walking off.
"Mama , nana!" Phoebe pouts , I kiss her chubby cheek "He is going to bring them baby," She pouts again then gets distracted by people laughing. Oh miss sassy Phoebe is back , I giggle to myself.

Phoebe is a happier baby once she has her bananas, I cut them into smaller pieces then allow her to feed herself. My pancakes are delicious, my stomach rumbles thankfully and I eat them quickly.
"Anastasia?" I jump and look around then spot who called me  , oh fuck.


"Bring me back some of their quiche , its the best there." Camille sits at the vanity in the bathroom applying more makeup then she needs . Anastasia doesn't wear any and she looks beautiful , shit Grey don't start! I nod mutely slipping into my leather jacket , I am making a quick breakfast run for Camille and I. "Just quiche?" I ask Camille , she nods "Yup." I smile at her "I'll be back,"

I have five cars , three SUVs and two R8's - my favorite . I decide on the gun metal Audi R8 and put the sun roof down. It is a beautiful day out in Seattle . By my penthouse is a cozy dinner , they make the best pancakes - in my opinion.

I quickly place my order then sit on one of the waiting booths , the restaurant is busy. People come in and out at a steady place . I decide to read the paper while I wait , as I'm grabbing it - movement of chestnut hair distracts me. Anastasia.

She is seated to the far right corner in a booth , she is dressed casually in a baby blue t-shirt and jeans , her hair is loose and wild. She is stunning. Next to her is a highchair and her daughter I'm guessing , her daughter has the same fair skin and chestnut hair. Anastasia chuckles at the little girl and tells her something , the little girl squeals and waves her hands up in the air. It has to be the most sweetest and innocent thing I've ever seen. My heart pounds and before I can comprehend what I'm doing , my feet are carrying me over to them.

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