Chapter 3- The Curse of Good Company

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Arthur was awoken by the loud noise of somebody clearing their throat. He rose his head from the scratchy blankets of Merlins bed that he had fallen asleep kneeling by and looked up.

"You are to stop this now. Immediately. You are to leave him. I shall assign you a new Servent. Maybe a maid..." Uther said, frowning slightly. "So come away now. He is worth nothing to you anymore, he has served you long enough." Arthur stood slowly and shook his head, frowning, beside himself with anger and fear; the fear for Merlin.

"No father. I am not leaving his side until he is well again."

"Then you shall die here." Uther retorted.

"Here is as good a place as any." Arthur replied quietly and looked down at Merlin. He looked so fragile. His bony body covered in a sheet of sweat and decorated with the marks Arthur had created. The only touch he had given Merlin for all those years was a touch of violence. And now this. Gaius still hadn't found what the ailment was in his books, but he refused to sleep until he did. Merlin's cheekbones managed to become even more pronounced with his sunken face so pale and thin. Everything seemed to... breakable. And there was nothing Arthur could to, not with all his strength, to save Merlin from it. "I'm staying with him until I can help him." He said into the silence, not to Uther, but to anyone and everyone who was listening. To Merlin.

"I've got it!" Gauis practically shouted, two and a half days into this horrific nightmare he had found himself. He picked up the book and ran into Merlins room before stopping and lowering the book to his side. Arthur had climbed into the bed at some point in the night and curled Merlin into his arms, holding him protectively, like he could keep him fromt he world. His face was buried in Merlin's hair as they slept, fingers still tightly gripped at the young boys weak shoulders.

Gaius was then startled by the banging on his door, looking at the two men for a moment, he decided not to wake them and instead went to see who was there, stunned into temporary silence when Uther walked in, pushing past him. "War Gaius. War is upon us and I need Arthur to lead us into battle." He said as he headed for Merlins room.

"War?" Gauis asked with wide eyes. "There has been no news of war from anyone in the four closest kingdoms. I know that for a fact sire. Are you quite alright?" The old physician knew this was a lie, a trick to get Arthur away from Merlin. What better to get someone from a disaster than to create a bigger one that they could actually resolve. Gauis moved to stand between Uther and the door to Merlins tiny bedroom, hands resting on the grainy shrunken wood. "Sire, you cannot enter this room. We have just discovered a cure for Merlin and he must be undisturbed for it to work."

Uther looked at Gauis skeptically, jaw hardening.

"This is just a ploy to keep Arther at his side. I'm no fool Giaus! Why can I not go in and retreive my son?!" He steamed, voice forming a creshendo to the end of his accusation, waking the dozing Arthur, who instinctively held Merlin closer, protecting him.

"No Sire, I promise you this is the truth, I have found the cause of Merlin's ailment and how to treat it. The quicker I can treat Merlin, the quicker you will have Arther back and things can return to normal." Gauis reasoned, eyebrow raised at his king. Uther thought for a moment before sighing and utting a hand on Gauis' shoulder.

"I am trusting you with this old friend. But if you decieve me, you will have your own war to deal with." He warned before turning and exiting.

A cure? Gauis had a cure?! Arther waited until he was sure Uther had left before pushing open the door. "Are you speaking the truth Gauis? Is there a cure? Or was that for Uther?" He hissed frantically, heart racing with worry. Gauis just smiled softly as he collected ingrediants.

"There is a cure. It will be ready by tonight and he should awaken by the morning. But he will be tired, confused and will be feeling terrible for the nex few weeks."

"As long as he will be okay Gauis. I doubt I would ever find someone else like Merlin." He said, almost to himself as he looked apon the warlock.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2017 ⏰

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