Dark World (IT"S HERE)

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Mother always told me there was a place other than our world. She always told me there was, somewhere out there, a world we aren’t able to slip our greedy human fingers on.

“And in that world, they are probably so much like us,” she once told me with a wide smile on her face. “And there might even be a nice little girl about your age, who’s hearing the same thing from her mom.”

I remember sitting next to her, amazed, eating up every word of it. My young mind soared with the millions of possibilities. 

“Really,” I giggled, trying to escape my mother’s active hands. Mother gently tickled my sides my neck, and I squealed, unable to stop her. 

This is how it’s been with us since forever. We can sit and talk all day, no matter what we were talking about.

Once we settled down, I lay my head in Mother’s lap and she smiled up at the stars.

“Mommy, is there really a girl like me somewhere we don’t know?” I asked, holding my small hands up at the sky.

“There sure is. But no one on earth knows where or who she is. Because if they did, then all they would want to do is control them and make them slaves.”

“That’s not nice,” a said harshly, sticking my tongue out. “I want her to be my friend.” I cuddle into my mother’s side and close my eyes.

“Well, not everyone is like my Savanna.”

When my mother died only seven months later, and not knowing what else to do with myself, I blamed her. I blamed everything that was going wrong with me on her. And I lost all belief in anything that I couldn’t see. I mean, what is anything that can’t be seen? NOTHING! 

Maybe I’m being a little harsh? Yeah, right. I’m just stating the facts here. But nothing prepared me for the mystery that awaited me in my room. I’m moving a little too fast here. Why don’t I slow down?

My name is Savanna Makaela Swann. I’m 15 and a sophomore in high school. I make decent grades, I guess. They could be better of course, but I try. I have one best friend, Conner. He’s a wicked scientific brainiac, and I love that dude with all my heart. 

Well, we’re at the mall talking about... well... I’m not exactly sure. But Conner was explaining something to me, which only made me even more confused. I watch as his eyes sparkle as he explains, throwing his hands every which way and gestures out his explanations.

“And then the sun and moon cross each other, that’s when the earth begins to --”

“Alright, Conner. That’s enough,” I said putting my hand up and laughing. “I don’t even remember how we started this conversation, dude.” Conner rose an eyebrow. He shook his head, grinning a little.

“I don’t know what I’m going to do with you, Savannaswann,” Conner said, running my first and last name together in one word like he liked to do. 

“Yeah, and I don’t know what I’m going to do with you buddy.” We both laughed as we stood so we could leave. Conner saw me home, just like he does every night. Today was a little different though. We stood in an awkward silence at my front door. He seemed to want to say something, but not know exactly how to say whatever it was. At first I wait patiently , trying to let him put his thoughts together and tell me what ever it was. But after standing at the door for some time, I raise my eyebrow, anticipating his speech, and when there wasn’t one, I sighed.

“You ok, buddy?” I ask touching his shoulder lightly. Conner looked at my hand, and nodded.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I rose my eyebrow.

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