Your Insecurity

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Acne~ Ever since you were 11, you had pimples. You always thought they were going to disappear forever. You wanted clear and smooth skin, but it never seemed that it was going to happen. Everyday you would cover your face with makeup so no one could see your acne. Harry wanted you to go a day without makeup but you wouldn't listen. He bought you 3 different kinds of acne medication to help you out. He had experience with this because he used to have acne. One medicine cleared your skin, and you thanked your wonderful boyfriend Harry so much.


Stomach~ It was the same thing everyday. You looked in the full length mirror and looked at your stomach. You thought it was fat and that you looked like you were pregnant. You tried to suck it in whenever you were out in public with Niall. You tried to exercise and diet, but those never worked for you. Then you tried to throw up every meal you ate. Niall knew something was wrong because you used to eat as much as him. When it occurred to him that you thought you were fat, he tried so hard to make you feel beautiful, and he did. He made you feel confident about yourself.


Thighs~ You always thought that your thighs were big and ugly. You wanted a thigh gap like all the other girls. You never went swimming or wore a swimsuit because you were afraid of your thighs. No matter how hot it was, you wore jeans to hide your thighs. You tried workouts and exercises and worked too hard in the gym. Liam never knew why you were so insecure about yourself. He thought you were beautiful. To boost up your confidence, he went to the gym with you and was your 'personal trainer'. Thanks to him, you feel good about yourself.


Weight~ You hated your weight. You though you were too heavy and chunky. You were mortified every time you stepped on the scale. You had visions of Louis laughing at your weight and of yourself breaking the scale. You were scared of people judging you because of how much you weighed. You tried to go on a diet and you attempted to be vegan. Those diets never worked at all because you didn't like it at all. Then a friend gave you pills that would slim you down. You tried them and you took too much. Louis noticed that you were too skinny so he made you eat to a healthier weight. He helped you realize that you were so beautiful to him.


Height~ You were short at a height of 5 foot 3. You hated yourself for it. Your friends were taller than you and their legs were long. You wanted long legs and a thigh gap, but you never had any of those. You thought your legs looked stocky and short. When you looked in the mirror, you would think that you looked stubby and ugly. Compared to Zayn, you were so short. Next to everyone you knew, you looked out of placed. Zayn figured out that you hated your height. He told you that he loved you being short because you were cute. He convinced you to be proud of your height.

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