Merry Christmas

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"Is she asleep?" Ezra whispered to Aria as she's putting Daisy's clothes that she just washed away into her drawers. It's Christmas Eve in Rosewood and Aria and Ezra are going to Hanna and Caleb's house for awhile before they go to Dianne's for dinner and Ezra wants Daisy to have her rest so she can be energetic later on and have a good time playing with the other toddlers at Hanna and Caleb's.

"Yeah she fell asleep about five minutes ago." Aria said as she closes the drawer and leaves their daughters room quietly. Ezra follows her into the leaving room. Aria turns around suddenly in the hallway before going into the leaving room. "Do we really have to go your moms tonight? I mean it's going to be late and Daisy might not be in the best mood if we're out that late until midnight." Aria said as she avoids looking at Ezra and picks at her fingernails.

"Aria, we promised her that we would go. And I thought you said you wanted to start and try to get along with her? It's not going to be possible to that if we avoid her." Ezra said as Aria still picks at her fingernails.

"I know it's just that she judges sometimes on the way I raise Daisy and it really bothers me. And the fact that she kept commenting about my weight saying that I should go do some exercising and loose some of the baby weight that I never got a chance to really irritated me." Aria said annoyed looking at Ezra.

"That's just the way she is Aria. My mother doesn't realize that most normal women don't magically get their bodies back immediately after giving birth, and that was a long time ago." Ezra explained.

"I know. Maybe I'm just getting annoyed for no reason." Aria says upset. Aria walks over to the couch and sits down looking upset and Ezra sits next to her looking worried.

"What's wrong?" Ezra says looking at Aria with a frown on his face.

"Nothing really, it's just every time your mother comes here or we going over her house for dinner she makes me feel like a bad mother. I know I'm not but I just can't help feeling like I am one." Aria upsettingly said.

"You're not a bad mother. In fact, you're probably the best mom I've ever seen. Daisy is very lucky to have you as a mother." Ezra said sweetly. "You need to stop being so insecure about yourself. My mom says things like that to practically anyone. It doesn't mean those things are true, she just says them so she can feel better about herself since she knows that she was never a good mother to me or Wes. It's Christmas Eve honey you should be happy." Ezra said smiling.

"I know, I know. You're right. I always love it when you try to make me feel better when I'm feeling upset. Thank you." Aria says sweetly.

"Don't thank me Aria, it's my job." Ezra says chuckling. As he says that Aria kisses Ezra while smiling. "Come let's go get ready for tonight." Aria says happily. "And don't forget we still need wrap up Daisy's presents before tomorrow morning." Ezra says as Aria begins to stand up. "Yeah I know. Wow Daisy's going to get so many presents tonight. I don't even know where we're going to put them all." Aria jokingly says. "Don't forget that she's going to get more presents tomorrow at your parents house. So if you think she's going to get a lot tonight just wait until tomorrow." Ezra said. "Our daughter is literally spoiled every year." Aria says as she walks down the hallway into their bedroom.

After spending almost all night at Hanna and Caleb's and have dinner at Dianne's, Aria and Ezra finally get home and Daisy is fast asleep after an extremely exhausted day of playing.

"I'm just going to put her to bed and then we'll start wrapping presents." Aria says as she walks into Daisy's bedroom and after 5 minutes she returns to the living room. All of a sudden Ezra kisses Aria and smiles at her. "What was that for?" Aria said laughing. "I forgot to tell you 'Merry Christmas' when it hit midnight." Ezra says. Aria stared at Ezra lovingly "Merry Christmas. I love you so much." Ezra says. "I love you too."

OKAY I'm sorry if this sucks. But It'll be better in the next one shot I write. You all need to remember that I'm still new at writing. So no hate please. Anyways I hope enjoyed this and please leave me more suggestions to do thank you:) also sorry if it's short.

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