Rosalie Fitz

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Ever since Aria and Ezra found out that they couldn't have children they've been working with an adoption agency so they can start having a family soon, but nine months ago, Aria found out she was pregnant on a cold January night. It was their miracle baby. They were both shocked that this happen because the doctor told them that the possibility of Aria getting pregnant again were slim to none. Once Aria found out, she was overjoyed and filled with emotion. And once she told Ezra, he couldn't believe it. He teared up a little bit as did Aria. But now the hard part has come. Aria has been in labor for 6 hours now and as every hour passes, she becomes more frustrated and agitated.

"So do you want me to go down to the cafeteria and get you something to eat? I know you're probably hung-" Ezra was starting to say before being interrupted by Aria.

"What I want is this baby out of me already." Aria snapped at Ezra.

"I know and she will be here soon, Aria." Ezra said back to Aria who was stroking her hair. "You need to be patient. These things take time."

"Well they take too long. These pains are getting worse every minute and I'm getting irritated." Aria said.

"Do you want me to go get the nurse? Are you in that much pain?" Ezra started walking out of the hospital room ready to call a nurse.

"No, Ezra. They're not that bad. They feel like period cramps but just ten times worse." Aria said annoyed.

"Well like I was saying before, you should eat something because you didn't eat before we got to the hospital and you didn't eat much at breakfast this morning and remember after you get the epidural you're not allowed to eat." Ezra reminded her.

"Maybe I won't get the epidural. I don't like the idea of a large needle being put in my back. And you know that I'm not a big fan of them either." Aria said with a worried look on her face.

"The pain is going to get worse if you don't get it... don't worry about it. I'll be there the whole time holding your hand. And if it hurts that much, you can break my hand if you want to." Ezra jokingly said.

"I know you will be." Aria said smiling.

"Now this is the last time I'm going to ask, what do you want to eat? I can go downstairs to the cafeteria and find something or I can go up to that vegan place up the street that has that pasta that you love and get that for you." Ezra suggested.

"You are not going to drop the eating thing are you?" Ezra shook his head. "Fine, I guess you can go up the street and get the pasta, but.... I'm kinda in a mood for a cheeseburger with extra fries." Aria's eyes lit up as she said that.

"Aria... you're a vegan remember? I'm not going to let you break your vegan diet just because you're pregnancy hormones say you're craving it a cheeseburger. I don't want you to come after me after all this is over for letting me to let you go off you're vegan diet." Ezra said serious. Half joking but not really.

Aria laughed. "I guess you're right. Get the pasta then. But get extra of it because to be honest, I am really hungry." Aria said a little bit embarrassed.

Ezra chuckled. "I'll be back then." Ezra said as he headed out the door.

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After finishing a delicious pasta that Ezra brought for her and receiving the epidural, Aria fell asleep for about an hour while Ezra was reading a book, when she woke up, she felt the most horrible pains that she has ever felt in her life.

"Ezra!" Aria said quickly.

"What is it?" Ezra rushed towards her as he was getting out of the bathroom.

"Get the nurse. I think she's coming." Aria said in a worry.

Ezra rushed to go get the doctor and when the doctor came into the room, he checked to see if Aria was 10cm dilated yet.

"Well Mrs. Fitz, it looks like you're 10cm dilated. It's time to start pushing." the doctor said.

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After 7 hours of being in labor, Rosalie Fitz came into the world on Saturday September 16th, 2019 at 10:15pm. Aria and Ezra's precious little miracle.

"I'm so glad we were able to have her." Aria said with teary eyes.

"I am too." Ezra said as he kissed Aria's and Rosalie's foreheads.

I actually enjoyed writing this one shot. Let me know what you think and comment some more suggestions for me to do. Thanks for reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2017 ⏰

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