Chapter 4 Why?

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Sorry for late update. School has been very busy lately. almost on spring break though! Yay! Anyway enjoy chapter 4.

3rd Person P.O.V.
The team are at another different village. Sasuke ran off to somewhere else. You got worried and went to look for him. There was no sign of him in the village. 'Maybe he's outside of the village' you thought. You left the village and continued to look for Sasuke.

The sun started to set and you were very tired. Your stomach grumbled and demanded food. Your legs are about to give up and your eyes were ready to shut off into a deep sleep.

"Well I better get back to the village. I'm sure he's fine. He's probably doing some personal business or something." You said to yourself. You looked up at the path ahead of you and realized you were lost.

"Ugh! Dammit, how am I going to get back now." You said. You started walking in many directions. Turning left and turning right. You continued this pattern for awhile until you saw a figure. You walked closer to see if it was Sasuke. You saw him and was ready to tackle him until you saw another person approach Sasuke. This person had an orange mask on that resembled a lollypop. You stopped and heard Sasuke talk.

''From this day on our team will be the Taka.'' He said.

"The Taka has only one goal."

'What is Sasuke talking about?'

"is to destroy the Hidden Leaf!"

Your (e/c) eyes grew wide at his words. You stood there not knowing what to do. For sure you did not want to see Sasuke right now. You started stepping back slowly. But soon those slow small steps went faster. You started to run away from the scene.

'No. Sasuke would never want to hurt the village. Why why would he say something like that!?!' You thought.

You continued to run until you felt someone's chakra near you. You jumped and positioned your hands to prepare a jutsu. You looked up ready to fight and saw a person already standing in front of you holding on to your left wrists. This person had black hair that was tied into a ponytail. He had onyx eyes that looked a lot like Sasuke's. To top it off he had a long black coat with red clouds on it that covered most of his body. 'An akatsuki member?'

"W-What do you want!?! Get away!" You yelled out of fear.

"You don't remember me (y/n)?" The man asked.


"You've grown a lot. I'm not suprised you don't remember me. After all it was a long time ago." He said.

"Think long and hard (y/n)."

You started to think but you still could not remember this man.

Then suddenly a memory flashed in your head.

*Flashback from when you were 7 years old.*

"(Y/n)? Where do you think your going?" You mom said as she saw you put on your shoes.

"I need to go back to the park. I forgot my toy." You lied.

"Yeah but dinner is almost ready."

"Yeah I know I won't be long. Promise!"

"Ok hurry back and be careful!"

You grabbed your bag and left your house and headed to the forest where you train. You managed to find a couple of kunai knives lying in the forest. You've always wanted to be a ninja. So since the day you found them you trained yourself. You've tried to ask your father about training you to be a ninja because he was a ninja himself while your mother gave up being a shinobi to take care of you. Both your parents wanted you to stay away from the ninja world and grow up to be a wonderful women with a normal life and possibly to have kids of your own. They said to you that in the ninja world you might not get to have a family of your own. They feared that you would die before ever seeing your kids grow. Of course you nodded and obeyed and walked away. You never asked again about being a shinobi, but you secretly hoped that one day that you will become one to help protect the village.

Sasuke x Reader Forever And always Part 2Where stories live. Discover now