Chapter 4

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Alfie's POV

"At the reception could I ask Zoe"
"Alfie why are you asking Zoe if she wants food at the reception later!?"
"No Jim! Could I ask Zoe to marry me?"
"I'm fine with it Alf go ahead but we need to plan when and where you are going to ask her"
"That's why I'm calling you to ask you if we could meet up in private later tonight to arrange it"
"Sure thing! Got to go now Alf see you at the beach!"
"Bye jimbo!"
That's it I am asking Zoe to marry me"

Niomi's POV

"Zoe, what are you wearing I can't decide!"
"I'm wearing this!"
Zoe then came out in a flawless bikini and looked amazing (as always cause she is Zoe)
"Hmmm straight away I am thinking this one for you nimbob"
"Ok I'll go put it on!"
Zoe picked out a really nice bikini that was black with gold straps
"Marcus would love you in this!" Zoe complimented me as she always does but I tell her not to and to appreciate herself
"Are you two ready yet? By the time we leave the sea would've walked off and gone to the moon!" Marcus shouted up To us with his usual silly comments
"We're coming!"I yelled as we walked down the stairs and as I looked at Marcus he just sort of stared at me in astonishment but yet in awe at me.
"You ok there Marcy?"
"Erm yeah I'm fine" he replied in his nervous tone (he uses it all the time)
"Well come on then! Before the sea goes to the moon" Zoe exclaimed in fits of laughter.

Zoe's POV
"As we walked down to the beach we met up with Tanya, Jim, joe, Caspar, Tyler, Troye, Colleen and Louise. We found a place with lots of sun loungers for us all to be together. Later on after the boys had had a swim in the ocean and me and the girlies had a tan and a little splash in the sea, we ordered an extra large buffet for us all to share. So far, it was the best night I have had in America.
Im so happy to be with Alfie this time and I can't wait to have more people close to me in the future.

Thanks for reading wait for the next chapter to see if Tanya says yes and how Zoe takes the pressure of something.

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